Home » 260,000 to dust despite saying ‘have reclaimed  country’

260,000 to dust despite saying ‘have reclaimed  country’


Provisional President Ranil Wickremesinghe has used “Ranil is the man” as his latest election campaign slogan and is completely concealing the fact that he carried out economic reforms that led to the closure of nearly 260,000 industries in the country over the past two years.

Professor Wasantha Athukorala pointed out to the ‘Deshaya’ newspaper, published last Sunday (23), that about 260,000 industries have closed due to the imposition of excessive taxes and fees on industrialists under the Ranil Wickrathamasinghe regime.

The professor further pointed out that the ruler’s claim that the country went into an economic crisis after the Covid crisis and the Easter campaign is not correct. In 2022 and 2023, while the Asian countries were on a rapid journey towards economic development, Sri Lanka achieved a negative economy. It has been shown that the foundation has not yet been laid to take it on the right path.

The post 260,000 to dust despite saying ‘have reclaimed  country’ appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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