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A meeting between UNICEF & NPP


A meeting between the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the National People’s Power was held at the JVP head office yesterday (20th).
Sri Lanka representative Christian Skoog and South Asia Regional Director Sanjay Weerasekara represented UNICEF. The NPP was represented by its leader, Anura Dissanayake, its Secretary, Specialist Dr. Nihal Abeysinghe and NPP National Executive Member, Attorney at Law Harshana Nanayakkara.
There was a lengthy discussion between the two sides about the issues faced by children due to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka and the problems regarding nutritional levels. Also, UNICEF representatives explained the measures they have taken regarding the children of this country.
NPP expressed gratitude to UNICEF for its work carried out on behalf of the children and women of Sri Lanka.

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