Home » We also would be a part of the global mediation to protect people’s lives

We also would be a part of the global mediation to protect people’s lives


The voice raised by Sri Lanka as a country and the JVP as a party regarding Israel’s bombing against the people of the Gaza Strip is an honourable event in history, no matter how small the voice is, says Dr Nalinda Jayatissa, a member of the Central Committee of the JVP. He said this at a press conference held at the head office of the party on the 31st.
Dr Nalinda Jayatissa said, “A war is a tragedy. The people who did not contribute to the decisions regarding the war are always oppressed. So far, more than 8,000 people have lost their lives, and it is not possible to meet the basic needs of those who are alive, including food and water. The JVP’s stand on the people who have been oppressed due to the war interests of the global powers is based on humanity.
We also join to be part of the global mediation to protect people’s lives. Sri Lanka as a country has become a bankrupt country due to the actions it took in front of the world. Nevertheless, the honour of raising our voice for the defenceless still exists. After the Second World War, the United Nations was created to intervene in critical conflicts and achieve justice for the world’s people.
We appreciate the statements issued by the United Nations even in this conflict.? We, as the JVP, especially appreciate the statement made by the Secretary General of the United Nations that a solution should be found to this problem that has been going on for a long time rather than looking for who ultimately initiated the conflict.
People who think about humanity in such countries of the world appreciate the voice raised to resolve this conflict, and we are working to be part of it. We also appreciate the stance taken by the Jewish people against the war. Acting on the position of the United Nations regarding free Israel and free Palestine, the ceasefire adopted by the United Nations should be set up as soon as possible.”

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