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National Bhikkhu Front and Palestinian Ambassador meet


A meeting between the National Bhikkhu Front and Palestinian Ambassador Dr. Zuhair M.H. Said was held yesterday (8th) at the Palestinian Embassy.
The National Executive members of the National Bhikkhu Front including its President Ven. Handugala Rathanapala Thero, its General Secretary Ven. Vakamulle Uditha Thero participated in this unique event.
The National Bhikkhu Front has expressed its concern to the Palestinian Ambassador regarding the war situation in Palestine and expressed its sympathies for the deaths of more than ten thousand civilians, including women and children and many others who are suffering without water, electricity, food and health facilities.
The National Bhikkhu Front, Sri Lanka’s largest organization of Buddhist Bhikkhus, working for harmony, social justice and justice among nationalities told the Ambassador that it calls for an immediate end to the killings in Gaza and Israel, especially and end to the war in Gaza that kills thousands of civilians, including children and women. , which is unbearable and cannot be accepted by any human being.
Furthermore, monks of the National Bhikkhu Front have told the Ambassador that they condemn Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands and expressed their solidarity with the struggle for the independence of the Palestinians, regret the loss of Israeli civilian lives and call upon the United Nations to intervene immediately to stop the brutal killings in the Gaza Strip.
The leaders of the National Bhikkhu Front have stated that bloodshed does not answer any question and an immediate ceasefire is necessary to save and enable lives and the only way to ensure the peace and security of the people of Palestine and Israel is to declare an immediate ceasefire.
They have told the Ambassador for Palestine that the world powers, as well as the Sri Lankan government, should act regarding this and that as a Buddhist priests’ organization that is accountable to the people and the country, they condemn war wherever it is carried out in the world.

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