Home » Sri Lanka Secures Position on UNESCO Executive Board for 2023-2027 Term

Sri Lanka Secures Position on UNESCO Executive Board for 2023-2027 Term


Sri Lanka clinched a spot on the UNESCO Executive Board for the 2023-2027 term during the 42nd General Conference in Paris on November 15. Out of 188 member states voting, Sri Lanka garnered 144 votes, aligning it with the third-highest count in the region, shared with Bangladesh. The election saw six members from the Asia-Pacific Region, including Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Republic of Korea, and Australia, making it to the Executive Board out of nine candidates.

The UNESCO, dedicated to fostering international cooperation in education, sciences, culture, communication, and information, stands as a beacon for global peace and security, contributing significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals. Sri Lanka’s steadfast commitment to UNESCO’s values and principles dates back to its membership in 1949, shortly after gaining independence. This commitment reflects the country’s dedication to promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, and culture, furthering universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and fundamental freedoms.

Since its inception in UNESCO, Sri Lanka has played a pivotal role and actively contributed to advancing the organization’s objectives. The Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO, operating under the Ministry of Education’s guidance, serves as the government’s arm for implementing UNESCO’s agenda in the country.

The successful election to the UNESCO Executive Board was spearheaded by collaborative efforts between the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Sri Lanka Embassy in Paris, and the Education Ministry, serving as the national focal point.

Noteworthy is Sri Lanka’s recent streak of success in securing positions in three UN bodies/committees: the Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (CMW), and now, the UNESCO Executive Board.

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