Home » Former Thai Deputy PM Leads Delegation in Talks with Sri Lankan PM on Investment Prospects

Former Thai Deputy PM Leads Delegation in Talks with Sri Lankan PM on Investment Prospects

March 09, Colombo (LNW) In a significant meeting at Temple Trees on Thursday (7), Thailand’s former Deputy Prime Minister, Kom Dabharansi, headed a Thai business delegation to discuss potential investments and collaboration with Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena. The talks encompassed a range of sectors, including agriculture, tourism, and various other areas of mutual interest. The delegation, comprising prominent businessmen Attakorn Maensamut, Chamrus Visavachaipan, A. K. A. Afreel, and L. M. Furhan, engaged in discussions aimed at fostering partnerships and exploring investment opportunities between Thailand and Sri Lanka. Prime Minister’s Secretary Anura Dissanayake and Advisor Sugeeswara Senadhira also participated in the meeting, contributing to the comprehensive dialogue on potential collaborations. The discussions underscore the commitment of both nations to strengthen bilateral ties and explore avenues for economic cooperation. As Thailand’s former Deputy Prime Minister leads this delegation, the engagement reflects a strategic effort to enhance partnerships and facilitate investments for mutual benefit in key sectors.
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