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New Strategies Needed to Fight Rising Online Child Abuse


Photo courtesy of S&D

The increasing prevalence of online child abuse has emerged as a pressing issue not only in Sri Lanka but globally as well and demands urgent and multidimensional responses. The digital age has provided unparalleled opportunities for connection and information sharing but it has also facilitated the exploitation and abuse of children in ways that are difficult to monitor and control.

One of the significant challenges in combating online child abuse lies in the legal domain. The digital nature of these crimes necessitates the corroboration of electronic evidence in court for instance, which involves establishing its relevancy, accuracy and authenticity. This process is complicated by the need to distinguish between hearsay and original documents, a distinction that is crucial in ensuring that justice is served.

The introduction of specific laws, such as the Evidence (Special Provisions) Act in Sri Lanka in 1995, plays a vital role in facilitating the presentation of electronic evidence. However, the rapidly evolving nature of technology means that legal frameworks must continuously adapt to keep pace with new forms of digital crime. For instance, traditional legal approaches may not adequately address the complexities of cyberbullying, online grooming and the distribution of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM).

Globally, the legal systems must enhance their capacity to deal with the intricacies of online child abuse. This includes training legal professionals in digital law, updating legal statutes to reflect the digital landscape, and fostering international cooperation to effectively tackle cross border online crime.

Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA) encompasses a range of harmful behaviours including cyberbullying, online grooming and the dissemination of child sexual abuse material. Each of these components poses unique challenges and requires tailored responses.

Cyberbullying involves the use of digital platforms to harass or intimidate individuals, often leading to severe psychological harm. Online grooming refers to the process by which predators build relationships with children to exploit them sexually. The distribution of CSAM is a particularly heinous form of abuse, with devastating impacts on victims.

Preventing OCSEA requires a multifaceted approach. This includes educating children about the risks of sharing personal information online, implementing parental controls and monitoring and fostering a supportive environment where children feel safe reporting abuse. Additionally, technological solutions such as advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence can help detect and block harmful content before it reaches children.

The widespread use of social media has significantly contributed to the propagation of online child abuse. Platforms designed for social interaction are often exploited by abusers to target vulnerable children. Understanding how algorithms work and their impact on behaviour is crucial in addressing this issue. Social media companies must take responsibility for the safety of their users, particularly children, by implementing stringent safety measures and actively monitoring for abusive content.

Cybersecurity education is also paramount in protecting children from online abuse. This includes teaching children and their guardians about safe internet practices, such as using strong passwords, recognising phishing attempts, and understanding privacy settings on social media platforms. Cybersecurity professionals must also stay vigilant against emerging threats, continually updating their knowledge and skills to safeguard against sophisticated cyberattacks.

Education is a critical pillar in the fight against online child abuse. Unfortunately, many countries lack comprehensive sex education programmes, including Sri Lanka, leaving children uninformed and vulnerable to exploitation. Effective sex education should encompass not only biological aspects but also media and digital literacy, equipping children with the knowledge to navigate offline and online spaces safely.

Statistics underscore the urgency of this issue. A significant proportion of online abuse victims are between the ages of 15 and 29 with a high incidence of mental health problems, including contemplation of suicide, as a consequence of their experiences. This highlights the need for educational initiatives that address both prevention and intervention.

Educational institutions play a crucial role in this regard. School principals and teachers must be trained to recognise signs of online abuse and to implement proactive measures to protect students. This involves integrating digital safety into the curriculum, fostering an open environment where students feel comfortable discussing their online experiences and educating parents about the risks and protective strategies associated with internet use. It is therefore essential to overcome any kind of discomfort around this topic and equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate both the online and offline worlds safely.

Comprehensive sex education should cover not only the biological aspects but also consent, healthy relationships and the potential dangers of online interactions including sexting and cyberbullying. By addressing these topics openly, schools can help students develop a better understanding of their own boundaries and the importance of respecting others, thereby creating a safer and more supportive school environment. Additionally, collaboration with external experts and organisations can provide valuable resources and support for both educators and students, ensuring that the information conveyed is accurate, relevant, and impactful.

Global statistics paint a grim picture of the scale of online child abuse. Reports of CSAM have surged dramatically over the past two decades, with millions of files being shared online. This alarming trend underscores the urgent need for comprehensive education on responsible online behaviour and robust legal measures to curb the spread of such material. In 2004, there were 450,000 files of suspected CSAM being reported. By the year 2022, this has skyrocketed to over 87 million CSAM files.

The rise in internet penetration and social media use worldwide has created new avenues for abusers to exploit children. In countries such as Sri Lanka where internet penetration and social media use is steadily increasing, it is crucial to implement protective measures to prevent abuse. This involves not only educating children and parents but also strengthening legal frameworks and fostering international cooperation to combat online abuse effectively.

Addressing online child abuse presents numerous challenges from staying abreast of technological advancements to overcoming cultural stigmas around sex education. One of the primary obstacles is the lack of in depth knowledge about the mechanisms behind online abuse, which hampers efforts to prevent and address these crimes effectively. Government support is also crucial in providing resources and creating mechanisms that would foster and encourage critical thinking. This includes funding educational programmes, supporting legal reforms and promoting public awareness campaigns to highlight the dangers of online child abuse and the importance of digital safety.

The rise in online child abuse demands a comprehensive and coordinated response from legal, educational and technological sectors. By working together, governments, educators and technology companies can create a safer digital environment for children, ensuring that they can navigate the online world without fear of exploitation or abuse. The fight against online child abuse is a collective responsibility and it requires sustained effort and commitment to protect the most vulnerable members of society.

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