Home » 241st experiments and Extension Forum : Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka

241st experiments and Extension Forum : Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka


The 241st Experiments and Extension Forum, organized by Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka (TRISL), successfully held recently at the TRISL Auditorium, Talawakelle.

As part of the celebrations marking the centenary, TRISL unveiled its official centenary logo, inaugurated the activities of the Centenary Secretariat, and launched the TRI YouTube Channel.
This forum is the inaugural event within a series of activities planned to commemorate TRI's centennial. The 241st E&E Forum comprised around 120 attendees, representing Regional Plantation Companies, Sri Lanka Tea Board, Planters’ Associations ,Regional Scientific Committees, University academics and Institutions.
The theme of the forum was “Meeting Current Tea Industry Challenges : STEM Insights.” Dr. Mahasen A. B. Ranatunga, the Director of TRISL, delivered a keynote address, followed by four paper presentations Woodchip Feeding System for Efficient Use of Firewood in Tea Drying by Dr. K Raveendran, Deputy Director Research (Process Technology), Can Salicylic Acid Application Induce Drought Tolerance in Immature Tea Plants? by Dr. (Mrs) Nalika Damayanthi, Senior Research Officer of Plant Physiology Division, Risk of Exceeding Maximum Residue Limits in Made Tea: Impact on Ceylon Tea and Strategies to Minimize Chemical Residues by Dr. (Mrs) Ganga D Sinniah, Plant Pathology Division and Detection of Adulterants in Tea (Video Presentation) by Dr. R K A Amali, Research Officer, Biochemistry Division.

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