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Bandula leaks Ranil’s plans


Bandula Gunawardena revealed in Parliament on the third day that Ranil Wickramasinghe had planned to obtain a large number of foreign loans for next year.
While it has been announced that Sri Lanka has stopped receiving foreign loans, Bandula Gunawardena revealing these facts on the eve of the presidential election is a serious issue.
According to the disclosed data, Ranil plans to obtain 2,763 million US dollars.
It is planned to borrow 663 million dollars from the external debt fund, 700 million dollars of budget concessions, another 700 million dollars from the World Bank to prepare the budget, and 300 million dollars more from the Asian Development Bank.
Even now, Sri Lanka is trapped in a massive mountain of foreign debt, and it was Ranil Wickramasinghe who got the highest amount of international sovereign bond debt, which directly affected Sri Lanka’s declaration of bankruptcy.

The post Bandula leaks Ranil’s plans appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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