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We’ll form a government that builds a prosperous country and enriches people’s lives – Anura Kumara Dissanayake


Addressing the general election rally held at Nawalapitiya on the 15th, NPP presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake emphasized that for the first time, a government will be formed to make the country prosperous and enrich the people’s lives.
Speaking further, Anura Dissanayake said, “After the 2019 elections, we suffered a severe setback. However, we strongly believe that people subjected to various deceptions will understand the truth and gather around the NPP. Accordingly, we have been engaged in planned politics for the past two or three years. However, our opposition parties are involved in the same old politics.   They thought after engaging in stealing, wasting public wealth, breaking laws, violating constitutions, throwing away court orders, and ruling the country in an authoritarian way, they could take power as usual by dividing the people, scaring them and making various kinds of false promises during the elections. We went all over the country and mobilized and organized the people and organized them. The NPP launched an election campaign that our enemies could not even imagine.
We held a number of meetings in the Kandy district. Our comrades went to many villages to discuss and carry out awareness programmes. Our opposition parties could not imagine this rise and awakening of the people that occurred due to the work carried out by the NPP. Now, all our enemies could do is spread slanders and false information and launch conspiracies against us. But it is now obvious that neither Sajith Premadasa nor Ranil Wickramasinghe can do anything to prevent our forward march. Our victory on the 21st is a significant turning point in Sri Lankan politics. It is a fulfilment of the hope of the citizens of our country for many decades. The people of this country participated in elections for a long time, but they failed to build a government that could fulfil their expectations and goals.
Leaders are defeated and brought back. Governments are defeated and brought back. Finally, the people got tired as there was no favourable result. All their expectations were dashed. The country went bankrupt. There was a situation where the people could not make ends meet. Youths started leaving the country. Hospitals ran out of medicine. Education collapsed. A state has been created where drugs and crime spread throughout the country. This destruction started to be drawn like a picture in front of the eyes of the people,. The people were waiting to be saved from this disaster. On this 21st, the day will dawn to bring victory to those expectations. A new government in our country has to fulfil two main tasks. Several factors led to the collapse of our country. One is the corrupt political culture of our country. The second is the destructive economic policy that has been followed in the country.
To build this country, we must first change this ugly political culture. Mahindananda, who is from this part of the country, tore Ranil to pieces on the stage in 2019 at this Nawalapitiya. That Mahindananda is now saying that Ranil is the saviour. We need to end this evil and ugly politics. Last week, Geetha Kumarasinghe praised Ranil. This week, she praises Sajith. What kind of politics is this? A few years ago, the likes of Anuradha Jayarathna called Mahinda Rajapaksa ‘Appachchi’ (daddy). Now They call Ranil ‘Appachchi’. The NPP government will clean up this ugly political arena. If anyone crosses, his MP post will be cancelled. After the dissolution of the parliament, the parliamentary elections will be held within a month and a half. We can send Ranil home with the presidential election. Sajith could be kept as the leader of the opposition. After the parliament is dissolved, the power to clear it comes to the people. The country does not need this kind of parliament. Why does the country need a parliament full of criminals? After the presidential election, we will dissolve the parliament. You send the gang of thieves home permanently and clean it up. We are sure that more than two-thirds of the people representing this parliament will not be in the next parliament.
After the general election, we will build a productive parliament for the country. After strengthening the rules and regulations, those who have stolen public property will be legally punished. We will stop wasting public wealth. The politician is subject to the common law. Under our rule, the system of institutions necessary to preserve the democracy of our country is strengthened. Under our rule, we will not allow the police and army of this country to be degraded before the politicians. If we protect the police officers, the country and the people, we, the politicians, will be protected. Then we will not need a separate security. What these rulers do is abandon the country and the people and make them unsafe but put security rings around those guys. We will stop this.
Politics is an honourable profession. We will change the political culture of this country so that people are convinced it is an honourable service.
When a politician covered in gold and dressed immaculately gets off in a luxury vehicle, the people know he is a thief. People know about their lives now. No matter how much wealth is earned, people know how it is. Therefore, the country has a bad idea about those politicians. We will start changing this shameless politics on September 21.
Our country’s current economic policy is wrong and needs to be changed. If this economic policy were good, our country would have developed. However, this economic policy has long brought dangerous results to our country.
People should join the economy of our country. Today, many people have been excluded from our country’s economy. People should be involved in the economy. The production of goods and services should be improved. The results should be fairly transferred to the people. That is the principle. Producing goods and services should be revived in all parts of the country. Now it is completely broken down. These rulers created an economy in our country where even the small producing factories were pushed down, and everything was imported. India produces cloth. We bring and wear. India produces eggs. We bring and fry.
Now Ranil says he will come and create an export economy. Oh, Ranil, you are the ones who have ruined our country’s manufacturing economy. Since when have you been building the export economy?
They have knocked down everything that can be knocked down, and now they are talking nonsense. If goods are imported, the country will lose, but the minister will gain. Why is it profitable for him? He gets the commission. Fertilizer was brought to Sri Lanka. The country loses Rs. 18000 million before even a bone is brought. This is Ranil’s export economy. Instead of the economy that imports these goods, the NPP government will build a manufacturing economy that produces all the goods and services that can be produced in our country.
We have selected the places where we can build production soon in our country. We have made the necessary plans for them. Beyond that, manufacturing industries need time to revive. We have made medium and long-term plans related to them. Every government that has come so far has made plans for their families, relatives and friends to get rich. We will form a government for the first time to enrich the country, improve people’s lives and give the people a beautiful life. Let’s all come together and bring victory to the NPP on September 21. Next, we will invite all the people of this country to come together and build our country.”

The post We’ll form a government that builds a prosperous country and enriches people’s lives – Anura Kumara Dissanayake appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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