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A call for a greater Understanding


By: Kavodi Kulunumini

Now that Pride Month has passed, why not address the controversy?

July 14, Colombo (LNW): Pride Month is simply a celebration and commemoration dedicated for LGBTQIA+ pride. At least, to many it is. To the average heterosexual man, however, June means so much more. The month marks a significant time for the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide, serving not only as a mere celebration, but as a powerful statement of visibility and acceptance.

Originally stemming from the Stonewall Riots of 1969, Pride Month has evolved into a crucial annual event that carries immense importance for LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies. One of the fundamental reasons for the profound significance of the undivided acceptance that Pride provides is the Celebration of Identity. It is fundamentally about celebrating diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. It provides LGBTQ+ individuals with a platform to express themselves authentically and to celebrate their true selves without fear of judgment or discrimination. It fosters a sense of belonging and community, which is essential for mental health and well-being.

As one of the most argued debates in contemporary time, what many a man loved to make as a counterattack is why speak out if they wanted to be treated as any other heterosexual individual who, by every means, can do whatever they want and is easily forgiven for their choice of partners. If the races or religions or any other beliefs aren’t compatible between the two, the majority views it as an outcome of racism or colonialism or generally as a social fault rather than the individuals. But in the concerns of LGBTQIA+ issues, the fault is almost always on the individual.

One argument that many loved to make is the case of reproduction, which also must be addressed, only relates to homosexuality, which is only a part of the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. The argument, although many viewed to be justifiable or reasonable, is, for a lack of a better word, unbelievably dull-witted. Primarily because the case of reproduction was always at risk with fertility concerns, and presently with the vigor in which the employment or services sector works, giving birth to more career-oriented individuals than that of family-oriented.

Secondly, and the most trivial of reasoning perhaps, is when the ability to procreate is fundamentally prohibited for the said individuals in more states than it should be. There are many nations out there (Sri Lanka, unfortunately, included) which don’t allow a homosexual unit to sire a child, deeming them ‘incapable’. The same individuals had they been heterosexual would’ve been more than apt. The individuality of the man is so brutally disassociated in speaking for the concerns of LGBTQIA+ community in ways the average socially accepted version of man could comprehend. The fact that a single parent burdening all the tasks of the family instead of a collective unit working together for the betterment of the family is accepted is rather hilarious in retrospection. And truly pathetic in return.

And their respectable lifestyles are often questioned, and their capabilities often doubted when they iteratively had proven time and time again that their capacities should not be judged any different simply due to how they identify. To perceive this, one needs not look beyond the main sporting event of the world: Olympics, where 40 athletes are registered officially and openly as LGBTQIA+ and have shown to be fully capable in handling their lives better than most with loving families and thriving careers. The fact that being an Olympian is a feat itself to the average man should dispel all doubts regarding the many unjustifiable inquiries on the notion.

Visibility is also crucial in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. Pride Month helps to increase visibility by showcasing the diversity and vibrancy of the LGBTQ+ community through parades, events, and campaigns. This visibility challenges stereotypes, breaks down stigma, and educates the general public about LGBTQ+ issues, ultimately promoting greater acceptance and understanding.

Although considering the way the celebration was ‘welcomed’, the public, especially in Sri Lanka, seems to be moving backward in ages, confusing many forms of conflicts with sexual orientation. The comments that are posted under the celebratory clips are astounding and quite saddening. Their unawareness and ignorance to contemporary concerns of the globe is quite evident in the utterly hideous and obscene stands they have taken against it, which in hindsight declares a nation’s standing.

If one considers the geographical acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community, what is easily noticeable is the nations considered to be first world with thriving economies majorly have embraced this diversity. USA, reigning high on the list. Meanwhile, the countries which in hindsight are at the bottom of the food chain are the problematic ones, giving the impression that development is comparatively easily and swiftly achieved when one is given the station they deserve, disregarding the factors irrelevant to the capability to perform the task at hand.

If the countries could utilize criminals and traitors to their objective and both subjective gains, pardoning them and welcoming them to civil society, why can’t they accept completely law-abiding citizens who would be nothing less than miracles and sparkling gems in the nation’s development?

Pride Month has its roots in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights, particularly commemorating the Stonewall Riots, where LGBTQ+ individuals fought back against police brutality and oppression and is historically significant as an ode to freedom of expression. This historical context reminds us of the ongoing fight for equality and justice and honors those who paved the way for progress. And how everyone would be benefited in embracing it sooner rather than later.

Considering the establishments in support for the cause, the cause to freedom is revealed to be certainly great. For example, the Goethe Institut was highly involved with the Pride Parade in Colombo this year, promoting their agenda of equality and liberty of expressions and identity specifically. Such establishments joining hands with such a worthy cause, in reality, should be eye-opening enough, but once dense, it is quite hard to let go of the collected unintelligence.

At the very least, what the haters, or rather the individuals too set in their false notions, should consider is the cost-effectiveness and social standing of the cause. If the world powerful players are participating, why shouldn’t we aim for the same diversity, same equality, same harmony?

In the slightest, at least regarding the individuals which it inhabits for their betterment and well-being, if not for the country as a whole, since, after all, the primary duty of the state refers to maintaining a safe, trustworthy environment to its occupants. They would really take the closeted group which dwells with identity crises, unable to engage in what they prefer, in contrast to what is socially acceptable.

Thus, considering the reasoning, advocacy, and advancement proves to be a healthy method of initiating progression. Pride Month serves as a rallying point for advocacy and activism. It provides a platform for LGBTQ+ organizations and activists to raise awareness about ongoing challenges, such as discrimination, violence, and legal inequalities. Pride events often include protests, marches, and educational programs aimed at promoting social change and advancing LGBTQ+ rights globally.

This is probably why for many LGBTQ+ individuals, Pride Month is a time to find support, solidarity, and connection within the community. It reinforces a sense of unity and mutual support among LGBTQ+ people and their allies, offering a safe space where individuals can share experiences, stories, and struggles without fear of rejection.

With the passage of time, Pride was also involved in political and law matters. Pride Month highlights the achievements and progress made in the realm of LGBTQ+ rights. It celebrates milestones such as legalizing same-sex marriage, anti-discrimination protections, and advances in healthcare access. However, it also serves as a reminder of the work that still needs to be done to achieve full equality for LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide.

Yet perhaps its most profound significance lies with personal empowerment. Participating in Pride Month can be personally empowering for LGBTQ+ individuals. It encourages self-acceptance, self-expression, and self-love, which are essential components of mental and emotional well-being. It allows individuals to embrace their identities proudly and to affirm their worth and dignity in a world that often marginalizes or erases LGBTQ+ voices.

In conclusion, Pride Month is not just a celebration but a profound statement of resilience, courage, and progress within the LGBTQ+ community. It fosters visibility, promotes acceptance, honors history, and advocates for a future where all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, can live openly, authentically, and without fear. By recognizing and celebrating Pride Month, we reaffirm our commitment to equality, justice, and human rights for all.

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