Home » A group of journalists representing the Middle East region visits Parliament on a study tour

A group of journalists representing the Middle East region visits Parliament on a study tour


A group of journalists representing the Middle East region recently visited the Parliament for a study tour of the Parliament. An awareness program focusing on the Parliament of Sri Lanka was also organized for their benefit.

The structure and role of the Parliament, the legislative process, the mechanisms of parliamentary debate and the role of Committees in Parliament and taking information and processes pertaining to Parliament to the public were discussed at length. Foreign journalists were provided with insights regarding how bilateral and multilateral relations work between countries, especially in the context of South Asia, and how the Parliament of Sri Lanka focuses on achieving sustainable development goals and other international agreements.

Secretary General of Parliament Mrs. Kushani Rohanadeera, Assistant Secretary General Hansa Abeyratne, Director Legislative Servises / Director Communication (Acting) Mr. M. Jayalath Perera and Chief Executive Officer of Sri Lanka Press Institute, Mr. Kumar Lopez were present at this event held.

Journalists representing many countries including the State of Kuwait, Egypt, Algeria, and the Kingdom of Morocco were presen at this programme. This was organized by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and supported by the Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI).

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