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A message from Anura…


Anura Kumara Dissanayake, elected by winning the trust of the vast majority of the people in the 09th executive presidential election held on the 21st,  has issued a special message.

The message states: “Everything is finally coming true, the dream we have seen for centuries. To make this dream come true, the efforts of thousands of you in the past have been fruitful despite great difficulties. I can’t thank you enough.
That is because this is not mine but our collective work. This victory belongs to all of us.
Tens of thousands of people, not only us, sacrificed their blood, tears, sweat, and even their lives for this victory. Their endless sacrifices have not been wasted in the scepter handed down from the generation before us.
We know its weight very well. Millions of times, your expectant eyes inspire us. Sri Lankan history calls for rewriting.
This ground needs a fresh start to make the dream a reality. The gathering of all of us, regardless of our ethnic or religious backgrounds, is the cornerstone of the beginning of the era. Our unity, as Sinhalese, Tamils, and Muslims, is the foundation on which the new Renaissance era is built. Let’s join our hands and hearts for it!”

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