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A mini Goebbels in action


A report distributed by State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe presented false data regarding Sri Lanka’s debt.
In the relevant report, he stated that a loan amount of 4,981 billion rupees was paid in the first six months of this year. The news was published in Dinamina newspaper and several other newspapers in the same way, but nothing was mentioned about the time when Shehan Semasinghe made the statement regarding the loan or the press conference.
According to the budget presented for this year, the loan repayment estimate is 4,268 billion rupees. However, Shehan Semasinghe has mentioned that a loan amount of 4,981 billion rupees has been paid in 6 months. Meanwhile, the estimated repayment of interest is 2,651 billion rupees. The total estimated repayment of both loan instalments and interest is Rs 6,919 billion.
Despite the clear discrepancy, the statement that 4,981 billion rupees has been repaid in 6 months is not just a mistake but a potential attempt to mislead the people. This should raise a caution flag for all those concerned about Sri Lanka’s financial matters.

The post A mini Goebbels in action appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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