Home » ADB open to supporting upcoming projects in SL over the next 05 years

ADB open to supporting upcoming projects in SL over the next 05 years

Colombo (LNW): The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has assured Sri Lanka of its positive stance towards new project proposals during a discussion with the country’s Prime Minister, Dinesh Gunawardena. The focus of the discussion was Sri Lanka’s projected financial needs for upcoming projects over the next five years. Recognising the nation’s swift economic rebound after a recent downturn, the ADB expressed interest in supporting projects related to digitalisation, IT, public transport, education, water management, and SME development.
ADB open to supporting upcoming projects in SL over the next 05 years
The Prime Minister lauded ADB’s consistent support and outlined the government’s recent economic strategies. The ADB team highlighted their strategic projects for Sri Lanka, with ADB’s Country Director emphasising the board’s upcoming evaluations and site visits. The meeting was attended by significant figures from both the ADB and the Sri Lankan government.
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