Home » An awareness program on the “Good Agricultural Practices and Safe use of pesticides” in tea

An awareness program on the “Good Agricultural Practices and Safe use of pesticides” in tea


An awareness programme on the “Good Agricultural Practices and Safe use of pesticides” organized by the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka and Pussellawa Plantaitons PLC was successfully held on 13 September 2024 at the Pussellawa Tennis Club.

 The programme was organized to educate the operational and managerial level staff of the Estate on recent recommendations of TRI and the practical application of agrochemicals, good agricultural practicies, worker safety when handling agrochemicals in tea plantations.

Dr. K G J P Mahindapala, Head of the Advisory and Extension Division, Mr. Bandara Kahandawa, Head of the Mid-Country Research, Advisory and Extension Centre and Dr. C J Liyanarachchi, Senior Advisory Officer, Mr. G S Pradeep, Advisory Officer and Ms. Janaki Wathsala, Extension Officer of the Advisory and Extension Division participated as resource personnel for the programme.

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