Home » An NPP government will make “Everyone equal before the law” a reality – Anura Dissanayake

An NPP government will make “Everyone equal before the law” a reality – Anura Dissanayake


The leader of the National People’s Power, Anura Dissanayake, emphasizes that the concept of “everyone is equal before the law” will become a reality in the NPP government.

He emphasized this while addressing the Youth Rally of the National People’s Power in Gampaha District, which was held at Minuwangoda on the 14th.

He said, “The people of the North, South and East of the country, farmers, fishermen, plantation workers and the working class in the country, all say that this system should change as things cannot be allowed to go like this. If you ask the younger generation, they also say there should be a change. Thousands of young people have gathered for this NPP rally at Minuwangoda to make that change a reality and to make a winning difference. It has been 54 years since Mahinda Rajapaksa came to Parliament. Ranil Wickramasinghe has been there for 47 years.  Dinesh was in Parliament for 41 years. These people held the positions of President, prime minister and minister. The country was destroyed. There is a need to transfer power from those failed leadership groups to a new generation. They did not think that there would be a rise and awakening of such a new political movement. So far, those from the villainous executive class have been running the government. When they steal and waste, we say they steal and waste. Nevertheless, they steal and waste regardless. Today, an opportunity has arisen to push them to the opposition and gain power for the NPP. This change is not going to happen easily. After many decades, the opportunity for political transformation has arisen. What should we do to build this country? Everyone should be equal before the law. In every developed country, the main feature of development is that everyone is equal before the law. If the laws of our country are equal for all, the likes of Prasanna Ranatunga and Lohan Ratwatte cannot be in Parliament. Ranil Wickremesinghe cannot hold the office of President. They are above the law and protected by the law. In the government of the NPP, the concept of “everyone is equal before the law” becomes a reality. We cannot stop crimes and killings in our country without everyone being equal before the law. This underworld was formed with them. After ‘Gonawala Sunil’ went to jail for raping a woman, JR. Jayawardene gave presidential pardons and gave him the post of justice of the peace. They protect the underworld.’ Sothi Upali’ represented the Working Committee of the United National Party during the time of President Premadasa. ‘Baddagane Sanjeeva’ was an underworld leader and was appointed the head of Chandrika Kumaratunga’s security department. The underworld developed like this. Mahinda Rajapaksa sheltered the likes of Wambotta and other thugs. ‘Julampitiyae Amare’ gives protection to Namal. These politicians protected this underworld, developed it, provided weapons and turned our country into a criminal state. The ‘Kaduwela Wasantha’ grew up in the arms of the ministers of Ratnapura. We are creating a crime-free, drug-free country where everyone can live without fear. Today, licensed bullies and non-licensed bullies have started fighting. The country cannot move forward in this way. It should be transformed into a free and peaceful state. It is guaranteed that a government of the National People’s Power will bring about that change. As several senior officers of the CID, who have worked honourably in their departments, have joined the NPP, we can use their knowledge and advice for this work.

We need a big change in our economy. The younger generation does not have a proper source of income. The youth in the village dreams of a good job, a good love relationship, a good marriage and a house. While the village youth dreams of how to buy a good motorcycle, the President’s children dream of sending rockets. A state has emerged where the dreams of ordinary children cannot be fulfilled. Helplessness has come to a zenith. Many youths have come to the point that there is no other option but to leave the country. Our young people are in the queue inside the passport office. In line to learn Korean language. The majority of our generation thinks of leaving the country to get over this disaster. Do you think of running away from this as youths? Do you allow anything to happen and become a timid young generation? Or will you meet this challenge and come forward as a courageous young generation to overcome these challenges? We must choose to fight to change this. If we win this struggle, we will be able to change this economy completely.

Do people who go to Korea work in government offices there? The government intervenes and creates the infrastructure. There is a big economy out there. There are jobs within that economy. There is a big TV industry, a phone industry, a shipping industry, a construction industry, a cosmetic industry. Our youths work in them. The job of the politicians in our country is to fill the divisional secretariats, kachcheris, ports and the Petroleum Corporation. About 13,000 of our young people work in Maldives. They have only a fishing industry and a tourism industry in the Maldives. There is a large hotel industry. Our people go and work as chefs and managers. Jobs will be created if an economy is built outside the government. As the NPP, we will create the necessary environment to build an economy outside the government. Politicians run our businesses. Politicians run bars, breweries, and petrol sheds. A large amount of land in Arugambay, Panama is in the hands of politicians. Today the entire economy has come under the grip of the politician. Neither I nor anyone in our Political Bureau will come to put up bars, put up petrol sheds, dump sand, smuggle illegal timber or (Mining & quarry). Those are the things that entrepreneurs are expected to do.

It is our responsibility to recover this collapsed economy. There are mineral resources that have been subjected to tests for decades. We have been discussing the problems with the scientists for one and a half years. Also, we have met local businessmen who can bring investments for this and have discussed with them. We have an opportunity there. We have a large amount of graphite resources. We have been exporting raw graphite for decades. We could have a value added industry there. There is a mineral sand in Pulmude and phosphate deposit at Eppavala. We will start producing chemicals in the Paranthan factory. These chemicals can be used in our industries. Technicians, clerks, managers, and storekeepers are needed there. Jobs are created there. A plan has been prepared for that. There is an important silica deposit underground in the Puttalam area. These are exported raw. For every ton loaded, the minister gets ‘somthing’. We should use these resources to transform our country to a new industrial stage. We may need more expertise and technology for this. Foreign investors should be invited. The world market is like a chain. It is difficult for us to enter. We should invite an investor with expertise and technology in the market’s supply chain.

Pure investors do not come to our country. Only 22 billion dollars came to us in 44 years. However, Vietnam gets 22 billion dollars per year. No pure investor comes here now because he has to pay the ransom from where he started from. To get land, the local chairman and minister must be paid ransom. We do not expect anything from any investor. We want to know how much money would they invest. What type of factories would they start, how much do we get as the state’s share, how many jobs are created, etc?

Moreover, as the industry grows, how many dollars will it bring in per year? We only think about the country and the people. Countries of the world achieved development because they could enter into a large industrial system. We have to go into a new industry. We did not produce goods. We consume the goods produced in the world. We have made plans to use new knowledge and technology the world has invented and transform into a new economic process.

One of our scientists who works in the world’s big research laboratories has done much research in Sri Lanka and has discovered Basmati rice. He is a scientist on our agriculture committee. Tests are being conducted to cure cancer in the world. Recently, news was published that a medicine has been found to cure cancer. One of our scientists who works in our research and development unit does that research. The skin of our kolikuttu plantain is not strong. Those researching how to strengthen that skin are with the National People’s Power today. Our country needs new researchers. The world is moving forward with new technology and new knowledge. The world was ruled for an era by those who had the most naval power and firepower. Next, the world was ruled by the forces with the most financial power. Today’s world is systematically ruled by whoever has the most technological ownership and innovation.

In our paramedical association, we met groups with patent rights for designing medical devices in Sri Lanka. If a country wants to move forward, it needs new knowledge and new products. By 2030, 45 million software engineers are needed. In six years, the world will need two million software engineers. We have not captured that market. India has occupied the largest software market in the world. We will transform Sri Lanka into a state that produces goods and services for the new young generation in line with the new technological and labour market changes.

To create this change, we have to start with a political transformation. Two and a half months to go. The beginning of this change has to be taken by taking power. Let us free this country from the old failed political journey and old failed leadership and transform it in a new direction. Let us make the upcoming presidential election the decisive turning point.”


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