Home » Children in Batticaloa benefit from Navy's mobile dental services

Children in Batticaloa benefit from Navy's mobile dental services


The Sri Lanka Navy successfully conducted mobile dental services for children of Batticaloa area recently.

The dental services, organized by the Directorate of Naval Dental Services of Sri Lanka Navy, were held for the benefit of children of Kirimichchaiodai Tamil School, Mathurankernikulam Tamil School and Kokuvil Tamil School in Batticaloa. Around 156 children participated in these programmes, which significantly enhanced their knowledge of good oral hygiene practices as well.

The children and teachers who attended these programmes also received gifts, sponsored by Unilever Pvt Ltd and Navy Seva Vanitha Unit. The occasion was also attended by Commanding Officer SLNS Kashyapa, Commander ALGCN Sumedha, Captain Dental Services Department (East), Surgeon Captain Ariyawansha Herath, the Chief of the Village of Muhudu Veddas, Velayuthan, and a group of naval personnel.

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