Home » Gazette uncovers reason behind Sri Lanka Cricket suspension

Gazette uncovers reason behind Sri Lanka Cricket suspension


Colombo (LNW): Sports Minister Roshan Ranasinghe has issued a gazette regarding the suspension of the registration of Sri Lanka Cricket, the National Association of Sport of Cricket.

This decision has been made under the authority granted to him by Section 32 of the Sports Law No. 25 of 1973.

The suspension is effective from the 5th of November 2023 and is a response to allegations of corruption, malpractices, irregularities, misconduct, and the organisation’s failure to fulfil its duties and responsibilities.

The suspension is deemed necessary to facilitate an independent, transparent, and trustworthy inquiry into these matters and to implement necessary remedial actions.

Furthermore, Ranasinghe, as the Minister in charge, has invoked his authority under Section 33 of the Sri Lanka Sports Law No. 25 of 1973 to appoint an Interim Committee.

This committee comprises the following members and is tasked with assuming the powers, functions, and duties of Sri Lanka Cricket, the National Association of Sport of Cricket, until an election is conducted or until further notice is issued.

The interim board is responsible for ensuring the effective operation of Sri Lanka Cricket and is mandated to:

  1. Investigate and take appropriate action regarding the recommendations outlined in the Audit Report dated 11th September 2023 issued by the Auditor General.
  2. Carry out the powers, functions, and duties of Sri Lanka Cricket in a suitable manner until remedial actions are taken through independent, transparent, and trustworthy inquiries by the Interim Committee.
  3. Formulate recommendations and strategic measures to prevent the recurrence of corruption, malpractices, irregularities, misconduct, and the failures detailed in the aforementioned Audit Report by the Auditor General.
Gazette uncovers reason behind Sri Lanka Cricket suspension

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