Home » Groups without principled dialogue about NPP politics  slander, lie and distort – Tilvin Silva

Groups without principled dialogue about NPP politics  slander, lie and distort – Tilvin Silva


Tilvin Silva, the JVP’s general secretary, says groups that cannot have a formal dialogue about the NPP’s politics are engaged in slandering, lying, distorting facts, and mudslinging.
He emphasized this while addressing a press conference of the NPP held yesterday (23) at the JVP head office in Pelawatta.
The NPP Executive Members Sunil Handunneththi and Dr. Nalinda Jayatissa also attended the press conference.
“As the election approaches, the groups in power are releasing various false and distorted information and slander. On the other hand, they also create dubiousness among the people, so they wonder if there will be an election. Ranil Wickramasinghe and others who fear the election think of various measures to avoid the presidential election. First, they consider holding a general election, giving Ranil Wickramasinghe two more years, sneaking around the articles of the constitution etc.
Never before have such efforts been made on their side to avoid elections. The likes of Ranil Wickramasingha and Sajith Premadsa are slandering the NPP because there is no chance for them to prevent the election. The group of the Rajapaksa, who came to power with 6.9 million votes, has broken up. When the presidential election is at hand, it is so broken that it cannot be said whether they will contest. A group of Pohottuwa leaders are with Ranil, another group is with Mahinda, while another group is walking around. Many of the Rajapaksas are tempted to take refuge in Ranil. Another group is trying to find money at the last minute.
Ranil Wickramasinghe is using the power of the President to spend public money and is carrying out unethical moves against election laws. Ten kilos of rice is given to the people by allocating millions of provisions to the MPs. Even now, there is a situation related to the local government election where the election law of our country is in force. Also, Mr. Fonseka’s parliamentary speech confirmed that even though the party’s name is Samagi Jana Balawegaya, there is no unity. He revealed how goods are distributed, and commissions are paid. Some other people are in secret discussions night after night. Sajith Premadasa is appointing economic advisors despite saying that there is an influential economic group, including Harsha de Silva. The likes of Sajith Premadsa, Ranil Wickramasingha, and the Rajapaksas have not been able to gather public support, while the NPP is moving forward with a lot of support from the country and internationally.
At a time when all the forces are uniting with the NPP and moving forward, Rajapaksas, Ranil, and Sajith get together to carry out a very ugly campaign of smearing and distorting the NPP.
Even if it is easy to answer insults or mudslinging, the distortions are carried out severely. To prevent the people from rallying against the system that has oppressed them for 76 years, the people must rally with understanding to ultimately defeat the slander, mud and distortion of the truth. There is a false rumour about a deal between the NPP and Ranil. What can we gain by making a deal with Ranil?
The local government election was postponed because the NPP could win. They are even trying to block our way by postponing the cooperative elections. But the real deal is between Rajapaksa and Wickramasinghe. The leaders of Samagi Jana Balavegaya are holding talks to go with Ranil. At night, they plan to discuss future politics with Ranil, and they come before the media and say that NPP has a deal with Ranil. Nineteen stalwarts of Samagi Jana Balawegaya have already received decentralized funds from Ranil Wickramasinghe. Decentralized funds, which were not given to any other members of Parliament, have been given to Samagi Jana Balavegaya members. Not only that, but they have also taken wine store licenses and money. They are all sitting together and forming an unholy alliance to stop the NPP’s journey and attack the NPP. Terrified at the success of the NPP, they have started telling lies in public.
When the NPP does a successful job, they try to copy it. When they can’t, they start slandering. A creative, digital publicity programme had been done regarding Comrade Anura’s successful visit to London. They were worried about where the money would come for the creative promotional work that had been done using digital art of double-decker buses and buildings. Those who don’t even know that such propaganda exists and that no political propaganda can be done on buses in that country are the ones who are asking for power. Mahindananda Aluthgama stated in the Parliament that we sold tickets to collect money to celebrate May Day. Since 1978, we have been issuing tickets to collect money from the public to cover the expenses of our May Day programmes. Another campaign said that packets of rice were brought to meetings in Canada. Our overseas comrades collectively do various economic programmes for the victory of the NPP. Our comrades abroad prepare and sell Sri Lankan food to strengthen the election fund. They cannot even think about the work done by our comrades in many countries like Canada, France, other European countries and Italy to support our party. Our enemies continue to slander, lie and distort without proper knowledge about our politics. We are sorry for their ignorance.
A campaign was also carried out that the NPP would come to power and take over private property. What we would actually do is to improve the country’s production and strengthen its economy. It is to make even the property less people have property so they can live happily. Saradial’s process is not our policy. They are the ones who make people lose their property. Hundreds of thousands of industries have been closed, banks have taken over properties, people have been burdened with an unbearable tax burden, and now a new property tax will be levied.
They still say they would build the economy, and the NPP will take over property. After destroying the country and leaving people to beg, they still say they will develop the country when they return to power. In particular, they are carrying out slanderous campaigns targeting the leaders, including Comrade Anura Kumara Dissanayake. Since they have nothing else to say, recently, a group of SJB has launched a special attack targeting Comrade Handunneththi. Comrade Handunneththi served as the chairman of the COPE when they acted to suppress the Central Bank fraud. Comrade Handuneththi did not allow it. Now, those individuals are in the SJB, but at that time, many were in the UNP and acted to save Ranil by putting footnotes in the COPE report. They also have that old grudge against Comrade Handunneththi. We emphasize to all of them, “Gentlemen, National People’s Power is not like your parties. None of you can isolate us and attack us individually. We will face all those threats collectively. We have the strength to overcome any challenge together.
In particular, news was created by cutting and editing Comrade Handunnetthi’s analysis about the government’s economic measures in a discussion on Neth FM six months ago. At first, Lakehouse wanted to avoid putting this in the newspapers. After that, the edited, distorted statement was published on national television and published in Dinamina newspaper. What was published in the newspaper was quoted on a private TV channel by a crooked so-called journalist early in the morning. The people close to the President have created this distortion. When it was sent directly to Lakehouse, it was not published due to a legal issue. We would take legal action against this. Also, it was spread that Comrade Handunneththi had said as, ‘we cannot fix the economy’, which is also a distortion. What he had said was that under our rule, the economy cannot be built overnight. These campaigns were carried out through social media. We emphatically tell the people to find out the original programmes of the campaigns that are cut and distorted in this way, especially on social media. See the whole story. Then, you can find out what is true.
There was a similar distortion about Comrade Lal Kantha. He said, “Some people say that if we come, we will take over businesses.” Those who distort this cut out the words “some people say that.” When those words are cut, a complete distortion is created. Then, only the part of the sentence “If we come, we will take over the business” is left. What is going on now is this ugly, mean, immoral game.
They have nothing else to do. We emphatically tell these people that such games cannot stop the journey of the NPP. We also emphasize to the masses that they should be attentive and get information from our official media and from us instead of these freaks who are scared and frantic about their impending defeat. We also tell these poor enemies not to be so rotten in front of the public.

The post Groups without principled dialogue about NPP politics  slander, lie and distort – Tilvin Silva appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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