Home » Here’s how Auto Craze pauperized public wealth …

Here’s how Auto Craze pauperized public wealth …


People who have used government vehicles have left them at several places around Colombo. The way public tax money was used for the maintenance of those vehicles last year has been revealed in the 2023 annual report of the Ministry of Finance.
The report reveals that the government acquired vehicles worth Rs. 15,880 million in 2023 under the heading of capital acquisition. Interestingly, these vehicles were obtained from a background where importation into Sri Lanka was prohibited.
In that year, Rs.37,454 million was spent on fuel for government vehicles. The report’s data revealed that another Rs. 6,598 million was incurred for transportation expenses and Rs. 4,280 million for vehicle maintenance expenses.
Meanwhile, information about the vehicles the ministers hijacked is also being revealed. Last year, the public’s tax money was used to spend more than Rs.60,000 million on fuel, maintenance costs, vehicle procurement, and transportation costs.

The post Here’s how Auto Craze pauperized public wealth … appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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