Home » JICA and JFTC Support Sri Lanka’s Policy Reforms for Fair Trade

JICA and JFTC Support Sri Lanka’s Policy Reforms for Fair Trade


The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) have extended their support for policy reforms and institutional improvements in Sri Lanka to ensure the supply of high-quality goods and services while protecting both consumers and producers.

This was discussed during a meeting held today (12) at the Presidential Secretariat, where representatives from JICA and JFTC met with Secretary to the President, Dr. Nandika Sanath Kumanayake.

The representatives highlighted the importance of fair trade policies in fostering a competitive market, ensuring consumer protection, and supporting producers. They also underscored Japan’s economic progress, attributing it to competitive trade policies that promote consumer rights and encourage innovation.

Dr. Kumanayake noted that this year’s national budget has placed significant emphasis on policy adjustments to strengthen fair trade regulations and elevate Sri Lanka’s market competitiveness. He further briefed the Japanese representatives on the government’s planned reforms in this regard.

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