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Nandalal is brutal than Ranil


Successive President Ranil Wickremesinghe is hiding the real state of the economy by presenting various fictions, and it is revealed that the Governor of the Central Bank, Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, is working on a large number of ways to prevent people from getting information.
The most important illustration of this is the Central Bank of Sri Lanka’s annual report. Although there were some criticisms about the data presented in it, the Central Bank’s annual report has remained official until now as a document containing detailed data and analyses related to a former year. The first part of the report for the year 2022 was 543 pages, and the first part of the report presented for the year 2023 has been limited to 181 pages.
One illustration that can explain how the citizens’ right to know information has been violated through such restriction is as follows.
Under the sub-heading “Central Government Debt Servicing Payments” in 2022, information was revealed in nearly three and a half pages, including one diagram and three data tables. However, in the report presented in the year 2023, under that title, only one diagram was presented, and a space about a page was reserved for analyzing the facts. A very sensitive piece of information hidden by that strategy is the amount spent on loan interest. In the 2022 report, a clear data table was presented, including the amount used separately for the payment of loan instalments and interest for 4 years from 2019 and the amount spent for the payment of interest for domestic and foreign loan instalments. However, in the 2023 report, the amount spent to pay the loan interest for that year has not been clearly stated under the same subheading.
The responsible officials of the Central Bank and its Governor are carrying out a worse agenda to hide sensitive economic information from the people, which is worse than the cock and bull stories Ranil Wickremasinghe-led government comes out as politicians.

The post Nandalal is brutal than Ranil appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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