Home » NPP will replace communalism with new politics of national unity – Anura Dissanayake

NPP will replace communalism with new politics of national unity – Anura Dissanayake


According to its leader, Anura Dissanayake, the NPP will establish a new politics of national unity in Sri Lanka instead of communalism.
He emphasized this while addressing the public meeting of the NPP held in London yesterday (15).
Christal Grand in Slough, London, where the meeting was held, overflowed with people who had come to listen to the NPP leader
At the meeting, Dharshana Hettiarchchi of the organizing committee said, “I have never seen such a reception for a politician in any country of the world. No matter what he has done in his country and gathered the people together, no politician in history has gone to a foreign country and convened a meeting with the support of the people like this.”
In his long speech, Anura Dissanayake said, “What has happened to our country? They have made it economically bankrupt, infested with massive crimes, the rule of law completely collapsed, suspicion, mistrust and anger growing among the Sinhalese, Tamils ​​and Muslims, the people at the bottom unable to get proper food, no medicine in the hospital, the future of the youth destroyed. The rulers have created a country that has been subjected to torture, where education has been destroyed and is filled with drug crimes.
If we feel the tragedy of our country’s citizens and motherland in our chest, if we hear the pain of our citizens in our ears, if we are a person with a heart, none of us has the right to look away in the face of this situation. We all need to do everything we can to become part of the vanguard role in achieving this transformation. We invite you for that.”

The post NPP will replace communalism with new politics of national unity – Anura Dissanayake appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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