Home » Political earthquake in the Middle East and global catastrophe following victory of Kamala Harris

Political earthquake in the Middle East and global catastrophe following victory of Kamala Harris


Political earthquake in the Middle East and global catastrophe following victory of Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris has often been considered as ablunderbuss and poor choice for the Democratic Party, even before the strain of Joe Biden’s presidency began to unfold. As the Vice President, Harris has found herself mired in the consequences of an administration riddled with failures, making her path to securing a future in US politics increasingly treacherous. Biden’s presidency has been marked by widespread dissatisfaction, with his handling of both domestic and global issues coming under heavy criticism. This dissatisfaction has paved the way for Donald Trump’s resurgence, bringing him closer to reclaiming the White House than ever before.

In addition to his physical and mental incapability and allegations of corruption, Joe Biden’s presidency has been marred by numerous missteps, both in domestic policy and foreign affairs. One of the most significant failures of his administration was the mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic’s persistence and confusion over policies concerning mask mandates, lockdowns, and economic recovery created a disillusioned public. Biden’s reliance on Dr. Anthony Fauci, who became a polarizing figure, did little to ease the division within the country. Instead of effectively managing the pandemic, the administration found itself caught between scientific recommendations and political fallout, resulting in a lack of clear leadership.

Beyond the pandemic, Biden’s presidency has been further weakened by his foreign policy miscalculations. The war in Ukraine, for which Biden has provided steadfast support to Ukraine against Russia, has stretched on with no clear resolution. Billions of dollars in military aid and resources have poured into Ukraine, yet a diplomatic solution remains elusive. This prolonged conflict has exacerbated global instability, especially in Europe, where energy crises and economic downturns have taken a toll.

Adding to these challenges, Biden has become entangled in a new conflict in the Middle East. His administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian issue, along with its regional allies, has reignited tensions in a volatile region. Most recently, the brewing crisis in Gaza and a looming possibility of US involvement in broader military actions against Iran raise concerns about another prolonged war under Biden’s watch. Furthermore, his policy decisions in Africa have contributed to destabilization across the continent, fostering conflicts and upheavals in regions like the Sahel and Ethiopia.

Joe Biden also faces serious criticism, even from within his own party for his disastrous failure in protecting US borders from hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants. In this particular case, Kamala Harris actually bears more responsibility as she has been assigned by Biden as his Border Czar to tackle the issue. To everyone’s utter dismay, Kamala, instead of protecting borders and stopping floodgate of illegal migrants has opted for opening it even wider.

All these actions reflect poorly not only on Biden but on his administration, and, by extension, Kamala Harris. Though Biden-Kamala’s polices have benefited thosegreedy and war-monger military industrial enterprises, the global stage has witnessed a decline in American diplomatic strength and credibility, a legacy that Biden and Harris will struggle to alter.

Biden’s tenure can be seen as an extension of the Obama era, with Kamala Harris positioned as a continuation of Barack Obama’s legacy, particularly in the eyes of many US voters and political analysts. The notion of Harris representing a potential fourth term of Obama’s presidency stems from her perceived alignment with policies controlled by the former president. Inheriting the political framework orchestrated by Obama, Biden has been accused of reigniting and perpetuating conflicts in regions where Obama first initiated intervention.

Under Obama’s presidency, the US became heavily involved in the Middle East, notably during the Arab Spring. While hailed as a democratic movement at the time, many of the revolts led to long-lasting instability in nations like Lebanon, Libya and Syria. The consequences of these interventions echoed through Africa and the Middle East, leaving regions destabilized for years to come.

Biden has, in many ways, followed the same path. He has fanned the flames of new conflicts and re-engaged in regions that the Trump administration had worked to withdraw from. During his presidency, Trump made it a priority to reduce US military engagements abroad, notably refraining from starting new wars and emphasizing the need to stop acting as the world’s policeman. Under Biden, this approach has been reversed, with renewed tensions in the Middle East, Africa, and even Asia, as countries like Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Pakistan and very recently Bangladesh face unrest potentially exacerbated by US foreign policy decisions.

This perception of Biden – and by extension, Harris – as another chapter of Obama’s foreign policy legacy has created unease among voters who had hoped for a shift in approach. Harris, struggling to distance herself from this image, may find herself trapped in the shadow of both Obama and Biden, with little room to craft her own political identity.

With growing public dissatisfaction and the growing speculations of Donald Trump’s potential return to power, Kamala Harris is in a precarious position. Her chances of survival in the political arena may come down to a final, drastic measure: an aggressive move against Iran. Historically, Democratic administrations have utilized military action or major security events to shift public attention and secure electoral advantages. This tactic may again come into play as the 2024 election draws near.

For the sake of solidifying her political standing and prospects of winning the election, Kamala Harris may support a decision by the Biden administration to launch a major military operation against Iran, thus spreading the war throughout Middle East. A significant escalation – perhaps a full-fledged attack on Iranian military targets or proxy forces in the region – could rally nationalist sentiments and distract voters from domestic failures. Obama’s administration gained a boost in public support after the killing of Osama bin Laden just months before his re-election campaign. Similarly, Biden’s administration attempted a similar maneuver before mid-term election with the assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri, leader of Al-Qaeda.

An Israeli strike against Iran with American backing would undoubtedly make headlines and shift the political conversation away from Biden-Harris administration’s failures and toward national security. Kamala Harris could then position herself as a tough, decisive leader capable of steering the US through turbulent times, attempting to outflank Trump on foreign policy. However, this approach is not without risks. Such an action could easily spiral out of control, leading to another prolonged conflict in the Middle East, a scenario that many voters are weary of after decades of US involvement in the region.

Kamala Harris finds herself at a crossroads as the 2024 election approaches. With Biden’s administration faltering on multiple fronts, and Donald Trump poised to make a strong comeback, Harris’s chances of political survival are slim. Tying herself to the successes of a Biden administration that has seen limited victories will do little to ensure her future in US politics. Instead, Kamala Harris may resort to a last-ditch effort to remain relevant – an aggressive foreign policy stance toward Iran, which could cause a political earthquake in the Middle East, potentially leading to a global catastrophe.

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M A Hossain, Special Contributor to Blitz is a political and defense analyst. He regularly writes for local and international newspapers.

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