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President congratulates PM Modi on Chandrayaan-3 success

President congratulates PM Modi on Chandrayaan-3 success
In a letter addressed to His Excellency Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of the Republic of India, President Ranil Wickremesinghe extended his heartiest congratulations to the Prime Minister, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the people of India, on the remarkable achievement of Chandrayaan-3's successful soft landing on the lunar south pole, and that being the first time in history. The President upheld that Sri Lanka having India as the closest neighbour sharing a robust timeless relationship and with both countries being members of the South Asian family, and observed that, it is with immense pride that the nation is celebrating this historic and momentous achievement. President Wickremesinghe underscored the global significance of Prime Minister Modi's magnanimous gesture of dedicating this success to all of humanity, which he noted would inspire generations to pursue the advancement of scientific and technological progress. He bestowed best wishes for success in India’s endeavours to attain its future vision of exploring other planets in the solar system. President’s Media Division (PMD)
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