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Ranil’s latest achievement for our children!


The results of the latest victory given to the children of the people of this country by Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is approaching the presidential election claiming to be an independent candidate, have been released.
It has been revealed that 37.4% of the children in this country are suffering from malnutrition. Another notable feature is that the information was revealed in the report of the Parliament’s special committee appointed to investigate the increasing child malnutrition in Sri Lanka.
It has revealed that 17.1% of primary school children are underweight for their age. Also, another 10.3% were found to be stunted or not growing the height they should for their age. It has also been revealed that another 10% suffer from atrophy.
This data, a result of a meticulous analysis of information from public health midwifery offices scattered across the island, has been made public.
Despite Ranil Wickremesinghe’s claims of economic recovery, child malnutrition continues to worsen, surpassing the historical 37% mark. Against this backdrop, the public is being courted for votes in the upcoming presidential election with a slew of unfulfilled promises, including the reduction of farm loans, the increase of government employee salaries, and the provision of fertilizer subsidies.

The post Ranil’s latest achievement for our children! appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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