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Special announcement from JSASL against Justice Minister’s statement


Using the legislature, which is one of the pillars of the constitutional power of the people and even though Article 91 E of the Standing Order prevents the expression of opinions affecting a case, expressing malicious criticism against another pillar, the judiciary, which is a necessary foundation for a democratic society could be seen as publicly challenging the independence of the judiciary states a special announcement issued by the Judicial Service Association of Sri Lanka.

The Judicial Services Association has issued this announcement, focusing on a statement Justice Minister Wijayadasa Rajapaksa made in Parliament on the 19th.

The Judicial Service Association emphasizes in the announcement that this is unfolding as part of a specifically targeted project to discredit impartial judges.

According to the announcement, the Sri Lanka Judicial Services Association, which consists of District Judges and Magistrates, has paid close attention to the Minister of Justice’s irresponsible statements, which relentlessly criticize the judicial system.

The full announcement is given below.

The post Special announcement from JSASL against Justice Minister’s statement appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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