Home » Sri Lanka Introduces Online Authentication for Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates

Sri Lanka Introduces Online Authentication for Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates


September 06, Colombo (LNW): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced the introduction of an online system for authenticating birth, marriage, and death certificates. 

This initiative, launched on September 2, 2024, in collaboration with the Registrar General’s Department, marks a significant step towards digitalizing public services in Sri Lanka.

The new online process allows Sri Lankan citizens to apply for the authentication of these vital documents through the Consular Affairs Division’s online platform. 

Once authenticated, the documents will be emailed directly to the applicant, eliminating the need for physical visits to government offices for application or collection.

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, speaking at the launch event, emphasized the importance of digitizing document authentication services to improve public efficiency. 

He noted that the Ministry’s digital journey began with the online verification of GCE O/L and A/L certificates, in partnership with the Department of Examinations, which was a major milestone in their digital transition efforts.

The Minister highlighted that the online authentication of birth, marriage, and death certificates issued by the Registrar General’s Department represents a further advancement in this digital transformation. 

He pointed out that these documents, along with educational certificates, account for about 55 percent of the daily authentications carried out by the Consular Affairs Division.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also stated that the Consular Affairs Division has enhanced its online document authentication services by integrating its Electronic Document Authentication System (e-DAS) with several key government entities. 

These include local universities, the Sri Lanka Medical Council, the Sri Lanka Police, the Department of Motor Traffic, the TVEC, the Department of the Registrar of Companies, the British Council, and various trade chambers.

 This integration aims to make document authentication more accessible and effective for the public.

The online authentication process is straightforward. Applicants are required to visit the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and submit an online application through the provided portal. Once the application details are submitted, a payment link is sent to the applicant.

 The required fees for certificate generation and authentication can be paid online. After the transaction is completed, the authenticated document is emailed to the applicant. The customer copy of the authenticated document can then be submitted to relevant foreign missions as needed.

This new online system is expected to streamline the process of obtaining authenticated birth, marriage, and death certificates, making it more convenient for Sri Lankan citizens both at home and abroad.

Sri Lanka Introduces Online Authentication for Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates
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