Home » Sri Lanka’s Ambassador Explores Political and Commercial Partnerships in Brazil’s State of Goiás

Sri Lanka’s Ambassador Explores Political and Commercial Partnerships in Brazil’s State of Goiás

During an official visit to the State of Goiás in Brazil on July 7, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Brazil, Sumith Dassanayake, held meetings with key officials to foster political and commercial partnerships between Sri Lanka and the State of Goiás. The State of Goiás is known for its rapid development, boasting a GDP of over BRL 42 billion and excelling in commerce, agriculture, livestock, mining, and food production. Ambassador Dassanayake engaged in constructive discussions with Mayor Rogério Cruz of Goiánia, where the proposal to establish a “Sister City” project between the Municipal Council of Goiania and a prominent Municipal Council in Sri Lanka was warmly accepted. The ambassador also provided insights into the socio-political developments in Sri Lanka and highlighted trade, tourism, and investment opportunities available for the business community in the State of Goiás. The Mayor expressed confidence in further strengthening the relations between Sri Lanka and the State of Goiás across multiple fields following the productive meetings with Ambassador Dassanayake and his team. In another significant meeting, Ambassador Dassanayake met with Marco César Chaul, the President of the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services, and Tourism of the State of Goiás (Fecomércio-GO). During the discussion, the ambassador emphasized Sri Lanka’s interest in collaborating closely with the industrial sector in Goiás, particularly in pharmaceuticals, ICT services, tourism, and rubber-based industries. He also highlighted investment opportunities available in Sri Lanka, specifically in the Colombo Port City and the Industrial Zone in Hambantota, for Brazilian investors. Both parties agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) focused on trade, tourism, and investment promotions between Fecomércio-GO and a leading Chamber of Commerce in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Embassy in Brazil will undertake preliminary arrangements for the MoU, facilitating closer cooperation between the two entities.
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