Home » State Minister Exposes Fish Import Irregularities, Implicates Fisheries Corporation Officials

State Minister Exposes Fish Import Irregularities, Implicates Fisheries Corporation Officials


During the inauguration of a new fish store of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation in Dunagaha, Divulapitiya, State Minister of Fisheries Piyal Nishantha de Silva revealed that the truth about fish imports to Sri Lanka would not only implicate middlemen but also some officials within the Fisheries Corporation. This move is part of an effort to enhance customer service and establish modern fish stores across the country.

State Minister de Silva emphasized that certain individuals within the Fisheries Corporation had been involved in financial fraud related to fish imports for a considerable period. The irregularities specifically pertain to the importation of thalapath, temporarily undertaken by the Fisheries Corporation, with the support of intermediaries.

The State Minister stressed the importance of safeguarding the Fisheries Corporation, fishermen, and consumers from such misconduct. The newly opened modern fish store in Dunagaha will provide customers with access to a range of fish, including mackerel, in addition to high-quality dried fish and Maldive fish, thus improving service quality and transparency in the industry.

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