Home » They betrayed the ‘Communist’ name and ‘Red Star’ logo

They betrayed the ‘Communist’ name and ‘Red Star’ logo


DEW Gunasekara gang has reached the level of selling the “Communist” name of the proletariat and the “Red Star,” which is regarded as the great emblem of the heroic revolutionaries, to a notorious businessman.
Even after the collapse of the socialist state system, the genuine values ​​of the communist movement established by the international Marxist proletariat leaders such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels for the liberation of the proletariat all over the world and developed by Lenin are protected by several states and many parties in the world. Moreover, the “red star” is the great emblem of the heroic communist revolutionaries. Heroic revolutionaries of the Soviet Communist Party were awarded the Red Star medal. Dr. Sugishwara Abhayawardena Wickramasinghe, who left the Samasamaja Party and formed the Ceylon Communist Party, chose it as the logo of his party because of the inseparable bond between communists and that logo. Nevertheless, the subsequent leaders of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka continued to misuse this communist name for their purposes. It can be fearlessly said through years of experience that, in truth, they only have the communist name.
Apart from the Communist Party leaders, its founder, Dr. S. A. Wickramasinghe, its Deputy General Secretary, Peter Kenneman, and the President of the Youth Congress, Sarath Muttettuwegama (they were all rich and had no greed for wealth or enjoyment of comforts), all others, including KP Silva T, more or less took their pleasure from the world socialist state system.
Among them, DEW is at the top. As the International Secretary of the Communist Party, he visited the socialist state system and enjoyed its comforts to the fullest. After the collapse of the socialist state system, the property donated to the party by Dr. S.A. Wickwaramasinghe was given to the capitalist institutions for rent and tax, and though they enjoyed the benefits, they did not care about the honest members who lost their jobs due to the strike in 1980.
Having fed their families with free books from the Soviet Union and free printing presses from the German Republic, they finally betrayed the Communist name and the great logo to a crooked businessman who used the Covid pandemic as a springboard, and if he wins the presidential election, the people will be angry. It may be assuming that they will be able to further feed their belly by getting two or three National List Member of Parliament posts as the people have rejected them and are unable to win any seat at an election. In the past, there was a three-way battle between KP Silva, DEW Gunasekara and Raja Kollure for the sole National List MP because of the greed for a MP’s post.
Correcting any theoretical error by “self-criticism” if a theoretical decision is realized that it is not correct in time, is an important concept in the world communist movement. But, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka made glaring mistakes and made that important concept fall into the dustbin not once or twice but on many occasions.
The Communist Party organized demonstrations, pickets, and meetings against the constitution of J.R. Jayawardene’s executive presidency and led a large protest movement. If there was a little democratic feature in JR’s constitution, it was only the clause that one person could not hold the office of executive President more than twice.
However, DEW Gunasekara shamelessly raised his hand and voted for the constitutional amendment presented to allow Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was suffering from a power craze, to become President a third time. Later, after two or three months, DEW mentioned at a conference that he would self-critically accept it as a mistake made by his party.
The day will not be far away when this gang, who do not even know what is ethical and respectable leftist politics, will self-critically accept the betrayal of their party and logo to Dilit Jayaweera as a mistake by them.
They, who shamelessly use the communist concept, which was produced by great proletarian leaders like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Lenin, are using the communist name and are seriously harming the world communist movement.

Sunil Kannangara of the colourist section of “Aththa” newspaper (‘The Communist Party of Sri Lanka published Aththa’ newspaper)

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