Home » Today’s exchange rates on LKR against USD

Today’s exchange rates on LKR against USD

By: Isuru Parakrama Colombo (LNW): The value of the Sri Lanka Rupee indicates both growth and decline against the US Dollar as per the exchange rates revealed by several commercial banks in Sri Lanka today (20). Accordingly, People’s Bank reveals the buy rate of the US Dollar has increased from Rs. 332.06 to Rs. 332.81, and the sell rate from Rs. 351.51 to Rs. 356. Sampath Bank reveals the buy rate Rs. 330 unchanged and the sell rate with a drop from Rs. 350 to Rs. 345. Commercial Bank reveals the buy rate has dropped from Rs. 332.96 to Rs. 331.48, and the sell rate, dropping from Rs. 355 to Rs. 350. Today’s exchange rates on LKR against USDPeople’s Bank Sampath Bank Commercial Bank
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