Voters Want More Government Spending on Health and Education
Photo courtesy of SLCP
As Sri Lanka approaches the general election, the Institute for Health Policy’s (IHP) Sri Lanka Opinion Tracker Survey (SLOTS) polling reveals strong voter support for prioritising increased government spending on health and education. In the latest polling since August 2024, 82% want spending on health to increase and 65% want education to be increased. There is less consensus on where to cut spending with 48% prioritizing cuts to spending on housing and 33%, 28% and 27% naming food assistance, Aswesuma and the police respectively.
SLOTS interviews representative samples of Sri Lankan adults every day by telephone to gather their current views and situation. All interviews include a core set of common questions with additional rotating sets of other questions that examine issues of topical importance. Interviews are done daily by phone by IHP employees with respondents recruited by a national field survey or by randomly dialling mobile phone numbers.