Home » We are not prepared to let our victory be blackened – Tilvin Silva

We are not prepared to let our victory be blackened – Tilvin Silva


With only a few days left to the presidential election, information is being reported from the whole country that the candidate of the National People’s Power  , Anura Kumara Dissanayake, will win, says the General Secretary of the JVP, Tilvin Silva. He says that the opposition political groups are using various tactics to scare the country instead of explaining their policies while the NPP is getting close to that grand victory.
The JVP General Secretary said, “According to what is reported to us, there are plans to further develop this situation in the last days of the campaign by spreading insults, blatant lies, distortions, and twisting words. While replying to the slanders they spread, in some cases, we have also taken and will take legal action.
Let’s focus on a few of the many lies that are trying to be spread these days.
They say that Comrade Anura Dissanayake and the National People’s Power cannot lead the country even for six months after his victory. It is said that there will be great bloodshed. What they earlier said was that those who got three percent would not win. Admitting that they are winning now, they are spreading mud and slander, reminding us of the times of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
We’ll win the country, not lose it in six months. We have policies and plans. A great people’s power has gathered around us to implement those plans. Therefore, just as there are intellectuals and professionals to form our government, there is a large wall of people gathered to protect that government as well as to build the country. Comrade Anura Dissanayake is not a hollow character like Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He is a person who has been sitting in Parliament for more than twenty-four years and has shown his ability and skill. He has also held various responsibilities.
On the other hand, he is not a single, isolated character. There is a significant organizational force around him. A strong and stable government will be established to recover the country that has been pulled down. So no one should be afraid of the big lie regarding ‘six months’.
It was the likes of Ranil Wickramasinghe who created an era of queues in the country. This was due to his massive foreign borrowing during 2015-2019. On the other hand, those responsible for creating queues were also in Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government. Where are they now? Part of them are with Sajith, and a huge group is with Ranil.
In the meantime, people have gathered around Comrade Anura Dissanayake. Even though we fell to three percent in the last election, we carried out our organizational work without panic in such a way that we could win the election five years later. We are not at all ready to tarnish our presidential election victory, make it ugly, and create black spots. After the election, those who voted for Malimawa and those who voted for other parties will unite and build the country. In recent times, post-election violence has been very minimal. We guarantee that there will be no possibility of any violence after the election victory in the journey to end the ugly politics of forming governments by MPs crossing over like frogs jumping here and there.
Also, we emphasize that the Armed Services Security Forces should do their duty properly. On September 22, a government will be formed that will not interfere or influence the police in the elections. We do not want to tarnish our hard-won victory. However, we are paying attention to situations where enemies continuously promote conflict. We doubt that they will create disturbances in the country and spread propaganda stating that the winning party created them. This time, the uncorrupted public will get power instead of the corrupt groups in the elite. These corrupt people will spread lies, saying conflicts will arise. If someone spreads an opinion about post-election violence, we urge the police to question him. We have already complained about such incidents. It is emphasized that a full investigation should be conducted regarding the intimidation.
They are spreading a blatant lie that Buddhism is going to lose its place. There are several religions among the people of our country. No one has a problem with the fact that Buddhism is at the forefront among the religions of Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity.
We have already filed a lawsuit regarding Tissa Attanayake’s statement that the ‘Kandy Perahara’ will be stopped under our rule. The racist movement cannot survive without money from governments. When the people were suffering due to fuel queues, gas queues and the coronavirus, no racist groups came forward for the people. When an election is near, they have started making many accusations. However, thousands of Buddhist Priests attended the National Sangha Conference we held in Maharagama and blessed us.
Similarly, Mahanayake Theros of Asgiriya, Malwaththa and Ramanya chapters bless us. The Mahanayake of the Malwaththa Chapter told us very clearly that the country needs a change. Buddhism has to be saved from those who have always harmed Buddhism. The gentlemen who placed sandbags around the Temple of the Tooth, brought strip-teasers from Russia to dance in front of the Temple of the Tooth and held car races are slandering us today. Similarly, those who put barbed wire around the Gotamba temple, those who caused black spots on Buddhism in front of the world, are now shedding crocodile tears. We are calling for power to build a country full of peace and happiness where one can live as a Buddhist as well as practicing any other religion. We are going to build a country where everyone can act according to their conscience.
Similarly, going to the northern, eastern and upcountry areas, the Tamil people are afraid that a situation like Black July 83 will arise under the government of ‘Malimawa’. Ranil Wickramasinghe is one of the strongmen of the government who created the Black July of the UNP and attacked, killed and destroyed the properties of the Tamils ​​all over the country. Also, the former prime minister, this son’s father, was a party to that destruction. In the 1981 Development Council elections, they set fire to the Jaffna library and looted the vote. Those who committed such racist crimes have now started shedding crocodile tears. It is a small group of bankrupt individuals who tell lies to the Tamil people and the Buddhist people separately.
Comrade Anura Dissanayake went to Jaffna and said that the country’s Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim people should unite for our victory. Ranil Wickramasinghe went to Jaffna and said that Comrade Anura had threatened the Tamil people. However, the member representing the people of the North, Sumanthiran, gave an answer negating Ranil Wickremesinghe’s statement and said that Comrade Anura Dissanayake is not racist. Now, these people who always created racism and caused destruction are divided into two sides. They carried out communal propaganda to bring Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The same people who advertised that Dr. Safi performed sterile surgeries without even apologizing for their blatant lies are now lying against us.
They are the ones who carried out the Easter attack. Also, on the one hand, it is said that the benefits given to the poor people will be cut under our rule. On the other hand, it is said that the property of the middle-class people will be taken over. What actually happens today is to leave the vehicle at home and go to work by bus.
Our economic policies are to promote entrepreneurs and build the national economy. But some people say that when we take power, the government will take over the fixed deposits of the people. We do not need such a takeover at all. There will be no withdrawal from the IMF agreement arbitrarily. Claiming that it is the orders the IMF gave, they are having discussions to revise the heavy tax burden imposed on the people. We are coming to power to rebuild the fallen country and improve the lives of the people. Ranil Wickramasinghe, who says ‘puluwan’ (he can), has not even been able to give the passport to the people of our country.
That’s why we ask people to ask us about our policies. Therefore, people are requested not to fall for the lies and slanders propagated by our enemies. We doubt whether it is possible to use their conspiratorial groups to create conflicts in the remaining two days after the campaign activities are completed on the night of the 18th. In the face of their continuous intimidatory propaganda, we have such doubts because if they had carried out Easter conspiracies to bring Gotabaya Rajapaksa, they have the ability to do such things.
We ask the security forces to bring any wrongdoing group to justice and take action. We emphasize to the people not to fall for the scaremongering campaigns carried by the losers.

The post We are not prepared to let our victory be blackened – Tilvin Silva appeared first on LankaTruth English.

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