Home » International report shows purchasing power of Sri Lankans down to the lowest

International report shows purchasing power of Sri Lankans down to the lowest

The latest report released by the https://www.numbeo.com survey institute has revealed that the purchasing power of Sri Lankan consumers has fallen to 131st place in the world. The purchasing power of Sri Lankan consumers has fallen from 90th place in the world in 2013 to 131st place within ten years. The report further states that Sri Lanka was in 112th place during the 2020 Covid epidemic season. However, after 30 months, it has rapidly fallen to 131st place. Despite this, the government’s official statistics show that inflation has declined. What they do not want to show is that it has happened due to a massive collapse in the demand of consumers. According to the index, the purchasing power of consumers in neighbouring India is at 45th place in the world, Bangladesh is at 107th place, Pakistan is at 114th place, but Sri Lanka has fallen to 131st place.
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