Home » New type of freedom struggle needed to gain true freedom – Tilvin Silva, JVP General Secretary

New type of freedom struggle needed to gain true freedom – Tilvin Silva, JVP General Secretary

“While the country’s farmers are being brought to Dambulla to be given land deeds, the dairy farms owned by the government are being sold to the Amul company. Hambantota Port, Colombo Port jetties and oil tanks have been sold. So, is the country free? We need a new style of freedom struggle to get real freedom against these conditions. Those who have means leave the country. However, we should arouse and give courage to those brave enough to stay and build the country. Meanwhile, you have come here to convey the message that women who have courage have come together to build the country. The National People’s Power will create an era of national renaissance by building industries and businesses, winning absolute freedom, and building the country. And all of us Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims should work for a national cause. The rulers who have been in power until now will end the era in which the people were divided by religion and nationality. It is necessary to build people with a developed cultural society. Today’s cynical society can be changed by changing this system where the price of everything is known, but the value is not known,” emphasizes Tilvin Silva, General Secretary of the Janata Vimukthi Peramuna. He emphasized this while addressing the Matale District Women’s Conference held on 17.01.2024 under the theme “We, women, profusely for NPP!”. He said, “The National People’s Power while gathering all forces to end the 76-year curse in our country, has also gathered women as a force. We consider women not as just a group of people who vote but as a force that comes together as a respectable group of people who build the country by joining the governments that will be formed in the very near future. They are now operating as a historical force. In about eight months, the presidential election will be the beginning of the creation of our era. Postponing the presidential election is not possible. We assure you that we will not allow whoever tries such detours to postpone the election. Women will certainly take to the streets and take the lead to chase them away. It can be seen that Ranil Wickramasinghe, despite having no backing from the people, is also interested in the presidential election. Ranil Wickramasinghe likes to sit in the speaker’s chair and talk before the parliamentary session. He addressed the parliament and asked to give him the opportunity to build the country in 2048. Vajira Abeywardena, one of Ranil Wickramasinghe’s main disciples, said that after the country was developed in 2048, white women from Europe would come here to do domestic work. People from all over the country were gathered in Dambulla, saying they would be given deeds for their lands as a part of his election campaign. Thousands of comrades in the Matale district who have come here today are not here to get certificates. They are here to give the message that they are ready to build the country by driving out those who brought down the country. Ranil also tries to collect votes by distributing bags of rice. We should tell him that the era of making governments by voting for a bag of rice is over. This is a new era, an era of the Compass. Women of this country are ready to make the Compass win, even if they distribute gold and not rice. The challenge before us is not a small one. It is not difficult to give something good to a place where there is something good. Only courageous people can bring good where there is bad. Brave women are gathering to build a good country to replace this worst country. There is a bankrupt country where production lines are broken, businesses are broken, and we cannot earn an income to live. We live in a country where the world has told us that we can’t repay our debts due to stealing and fraud. The country with the second strongest economy in Asia at the time of independence in 1948 was brought to the bottom of the ladder. There is a great role to be played in building a strong manufacturing economy involving the entire population. Even today, women in the tea and garment industries account for a large share of the export economy. Women also send more dollars from foreign jobs. But this is not recognized by the rulers. We are implementing a programme that will build a strong production economy and provide benefits to the entire people. Through that, we could allocate a considerable amount of money for education, health and provide solutions to people’s problems. Also, instead of a rotten society, a society with humanity should be created. For that, those who stole public wealth through fraud and corruption have to be punished. We live in a society where drugs are sold to children. This is a country that commits crimes without respect for women; it is a society where none of us can live with respect for each other. Instead of conflicts between languages, religions, and attire, we want a country where there is compassion and humanity. We want a country where there is love. To make a great social transformation, we must create a new human being. We must build a society where children are loved and women are treated with respect and compassion. We should all join hands to build a better society. While the farmers of the country are being brought to Dambulla to be given land deeds, the dairy farms owned by the government are being sold to the Amul company. Hambantota Port, Colombo Port jetties, oil tanks have been sold. So, is the country free? We need a new style of freedom struggle to get real freedom against these conditions. Those who have means leave the country. However, we should arouse and give courage to those who are brave enough to stay and build the country. Meanwhile, you have come here to convey the message that women who have courage have come together to build the country. The National People’s Power will create an era of national renaissance by building industries, building businesses, winning real freedom and building the country. And all of us Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims should work for a national cause. The rulers who have been in power until now will end the era in which the people were divided by religion and nationality. It is necessary to build people with a developed cultural society. Today’s cynical society can be changed by changing this system where the price of everything is known but the value is not known. We have a big task ahead of us. National People’s Power has been created to rebuild everything. A massive movement has been built by working voluntarily without expecting anything personally. Those who have been in power so far won the elections and jumped to the other side to become ministers. To change this situation, if women get together and organize in this way even before they take power, there will be a large number of people on this platform who will take power and lead the country. Those who have taken power so far stole but asked the people to make sacrifices. Now, the people are ready to completely change that old politics. Teachers can explain to the children and the women in the village about the wrong and destructive path that the society has taken so far. 76 years of history will be changed and new writing will begin this year. Rulers think that women can be easily cheated. They think wheni a bag of rice is given they could win. All of you can save women from this humiliation. We must prove that women are the force that does not change for the sake of a bag of rice, for the sake of a promise. It should be proved that women are the main participants in the task of building the country. You all have the pleasure of being the main part of building a society where everyone can live happily. Here we are giving the message that whatever election is brought, whether it is the presidential election or the general election, the present rulers will be dethrone and a new country would be created. Dear Comrades, go from village to village and say that women are willing to end the 76-year curse that has deprived our children of a future, destroyed the economy, and deprived us of happiness. Go from door to door and make people understand that no one can cheat women again. Let’s end the evil regime at the first opportunity and ensure that you will not stop until you win. Let’s afirm that we will achieve the victory of the people, the victory of the motherland, and the victory of the children’s future after driving out the enemies. Let’s record in history that we, with all the people, will win a new freedom struggle that will last only after the construction of the motherland.”
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