Home » NPP will embark on a new political journey that will reawaken the country – Anura

NPP will embark on a new political journey that will reawaken the country – Anura


The NPP will embark on a journey to revive the country, which has been pushed to the brink of a deep precipice by the leaders who have ruled the country until now, says Anura Kumara Dissanayake addressing the Puttalam Constituency Conference on the 20th.
He said, “The people who have a conscience and want law and order for the country have gathered around us to make a clear change this time. The Muslim Brotherhood of Puttalam district elected Ali Sabri Rahim to the Parliament as their representative. Are you proud of your vote that sent such people from Puttalam district? Ali Sabri Rahim, who was sent to Parliament by the Muslim Brotherhood as one of their MPs, was caught smuggling gold using his MP privileges. But the next day, he came to the Parliament and tried to make laws. The person who broke the law the previous day and was caught at the airport raises his hand in Parliament to make the law the next day. Not only this society, economy and law have collapsed, but the entire social fabric, including people’s thoughts, attitudes, etc., have collapsed. Premalal Jayasekara, who was found guilty of murder, was elected to Parliament, receiving the most number of votes from Ratnapura. Prasanna Ranatunga is sent from Gampaha, and Kalutara sends Rohitha Abeygunawardena. Mahindananda is sent from Kandy. Johnston is sent from Kurunegala. Anuradhapuran sends Mavilaru SM. Chandrakasena. It clearly shows how people’s way of thinking has collapsed. People thought, “It doesn’t matter if he is a thief, if I can get enough.”
You can’t build a country thinking like that. Therefore, the public service should be made a place to serve the public respectfully. Politics should be clean, and people should be virtuous and think about the well-being of others. Our society is guided by four main religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Even though all these religions have preached compassion, love, and the value of brotherhood, the citizens who believe in those religions send thieves to the Parliament.
Therefore, now there is a problem not only in politics but also in society. The police officer who shot a driver at Narammala says, “I don’t know if he is dead.” Wasn’t it a man who was shot? Is there a shock? A country cannot move forward like this, the final result of the economic legacy, especially after 1978, has become the collapse of the entire social fabric before our eyes. Most of the girls who have been sexually abused were abused by their close relatives. We have such a society in front of us. Building the economy only would not salvage the society. Stabilizing the rule of law is supreme. This social fabric itself needs to undergo a new transformation.
Ranil Wickrajamasinghe has no feeling about a new transformation. His goons say the economy is good even if people don’t have food or money. What is the use of an economy without medicine, where people cannot get an education and have no benefits? They think the economy is the data, not anything to do with the people’s lives. Some people think that distributing is politics. How much have they distributed? A political movement should mediate to save the people from the danger. We stand for that broad social, economic and political mediation.
The political camp of the NPP, which awakens the people and mobilizes them for that transformation, is on one side. On the other side, some politics have oppressed the people, made the people become beggars in a situation where they cannot live, implemented divisive politics, and stolen the wealth of the people. The NPP is leading the new political journey that is reviving this country.
The national movement to expel the British was carried out in India until India could explore the moon. They predicted how the world would be in this century, and economic, political and social transformations were made in that country and society. This is how Abdul Kalam became the president, a low-caste woman became the president, and the world’s fifth most powerful economy was built. The Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were reduced to ashes after the atom bombs were dropped. Hundreds of thousands of people died. However, Japan stood up by turning defeat into a stepping stone to victory. Our leaders did not have such a vision. Those who opposed the British were also divided according to nationality. After the British left, the Citizenship Act was brought, and the people of the plantations were made non-citizens. In 1956 Language Act was brought, and in 1958, riots started. At the end of the 70s, an armed uprising began in the north.
In 2019 the Easter attack was carried out. Since we took control from the hands of the British, we have fought among ourselves. In the end, our country was made a begging state and was sunk to the bottom of destruction. A new national awakening and integration is needed to change this situation. Sinhalese, Tamils ​​and Muslims should come together and get rid of this brutal regime. Just as India united under one flag against the British, we should all unite against the rulers who destroyed this country. We request the Muslim brothers of the Puttalam district, in particular, to join us and come forward strongly against injustice.
National People’s Power is a political movement that recognizes the right of every citizen to practice a religion, deal with the state in their own language, and unite the nation with their own cultural identity. Everyone black and white in England is English; black and white in America are Americans; even if we go to France and Germany, we meet French and Germans. But in Sri Lanka, we don’t meet Sri Lankans because we live as Muslims, Tamils ​​and Sinhalese.
No divided country in the world has moved forward. Let’s unite basically against this destruction. That is the beginning of the overthrow of this ruling class. The feeling and energy generated by that removal should be maintained for a long time to build this country. The conspirators who were revealed to society through the Easter attack, which is the most disgraceful conspiracy in the recent history of Sri Lanka, should be brought to court. The stolen property should be taken over, and the thieves should be punished. All the unnecessary privileges given to the politician should be removed. Politicians should live like other citizens. The policeman, the doctor, the engineer, all the people working in the government, and the politicians must do their job properly and start a renaissance era to take the country to a new transformation. Don’t think that the country that was destroyed for decades can be rebuilt in two years. But immediate interventions should be made initially regarding food, education and health.
But life is not only about eating, taking medicine and teaching children. One part of the renaissance is managing our country’s resources very well and creating a new era of production. Small and medium-scale industries should be revived. The beginning of moving towards a new era of renaissance is taking power into the hands of the National People’s Power. Nation-building will be launched in a planned manner by making step-by-step transformations.
Let’s gather all the people who have voted for different leaders of different political parties so far. Whether it is a general or a presidential election, in any election that comes first, the people are invited to rally with the National People’s Power to get power to make this country a beautiful place to live in.

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