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Observing Good Friday Amidst Enhanced Security Measures in Sri Lanka


March 29, Colombo (LNW): Today, on the 29th of March, Christians around the world commemorate Good Friday, a solemn occasion that marks the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ at Calvary. This significant religious observance holds particular importance for Christians and Catholics, symbolizing the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus for humanity’s salvation.

According to the New Testament, Good Friday falls on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, the day of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead. It is the culmination of Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday and includes Holy Thursday, commemorating the Last Supper, and Good Friday, a day of fasting and penance.

As Sri Lanka still grapples with the aftermath of the tragic events of Easter Sunday in 2019, where suicide bombings rocked the nation, claiming the lives of over 250 individuals and injuring hundreds more, security concerns loom large. In response, the police have implemented a comprehensive security plan across all churches in the country.

Working closely with church authorities, the police have tailored security arrangements for each church, particularly during Holy Masses from the 29th to the 31st of March. A significant deployment of security personnel, including 6,837 police officers, 464 Special Task Force (STF) personnel, and 2,882 Tri-Forces personnel, has been mobilized to ensure the safety of worshippers.

Under this heightened security plan, thorough inspections of church premises are conducted before sermons commence, with additional security measures such as body searches implemented where necessary. Special focus is placed on churches that typically attract large congregations.

As Sri Lankan Christians observe Good Friday under the shadow of past tragedies, these security measures aim to provide reassurance and safeguard worshippers as they gather to reflect on the solemn events of the crucifixion and the message of hope and redemption that Easter Sunday brings.

Observing Good Friday Amidst Enhanced Security Measures in Sri Lanka
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