Home » PMI Sri Lanka Chapter hosts Regional Project Management Conference 2024

PMI Sri Lanka Chapter hosts Regional Project Management Conference 2024

March 19, Colombo (LNW): The Project Management Institute (PMI) Sri Lanka Chapter, the official representative of PMI USA in Sri Lanka since 2003, is set to host the Regional Project Management Conference 2024 (PMRC24) on May 31st, 2024, at Hotel Galadari, Colombo. PMRC24, themed “Unifying Strategies and Leadership – Achieving Project Excellence,” marks the 7th Annual Project Management Conference organised by PMI Sri Lanka Chapter since 2010. This year’s conference is particularly significant as PMI Sri Lanka Chapter is the host for Region 11, encompassing India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. The conference aims to provide a collaborative platform for project management professionals to network, exchange knowledge, and explore current trends in project management theory, practice, and technology. It will feature insights from leaders in the field, discussions on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence tools for project management, and opportunities for professional development. One of the highlights of the event is the National Project Management Excellence (NPME) Awards Ceremony, an integral part of the annual conference. The NPME Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding projects and professionals who have demonstrated excellence in project management, contributing significantly to their organisations and the project management community. The 2024 NPME Awards will honour project teams and organisations across various sectors, including IT, construction, engineering, healthcare, education, and social development, among others. The awards aim to showcase the quality and originality of project management practices in Sri Lanka while inspiring present and future project managers to strive for excellence in their work. PMI Sri Lanka Chapter invites all project stakeholders to participate in the National Project Management Excellence Awards and engage in the enriching discussions and networking opportunities offered at the Regional Project Management Conference 2024.
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