Home » Ranil blocks Easter terror attack investigation -Rasamanikkam MP

Ranil blocks Easter terror attack investigation -Rasamanikkam MP

Although President Ranil Wickremesinghe announced that local investigation teams would be deployed and investigations would be conducted correctly with the broadcast of the report programme prepared by Channel 04 regarding the Easter attack, it is now alleged that the investigations have been suppressed. Batticaloa District Member of Parliament Shanakkian Rajaputthiran Rasamanikkam, who joined a parliamentary debate yesterday (20), made these accusations. He further stated that with the revelation of the Channel 04 channel, there was a strong opinion that an international investigation was needed. Instead, the President and the government announced they would conduct an independent investigation by deploying local investigators. It has been five months since Channel 04 revealed that information. The programme had specifically revealed that the disciples of Pillaiyan alias Sivaneshthurai Chandrakanthan, who was the armed leader of the Eastern Province of the LTTE, were also involved in this attack. However, people who have been expecting a comprehensive report on the attack have not received any information regarding the brains behind the attack so far.
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