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SL President meets billionaire Bill Gates


Colombo (LNW): President Ranil Wickremesinghe engaged in a significant meeting with billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates on the sidelines of the COP28 summit held in Dubai.

The conversation delved into crucial aspects of agriculture modernisation and food security, where the President shared insights into Sri Lanka’s proactive green initiatives.

During their discussion, President Wickremesinghe and Bill Gates explored avenues for enhancing agricultural practices through modernisation, acknowledging the pivotal role that technology and innovation can play in bolstering food security.

The President provided an overview of Sri Lanka’s ongoing efforts to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices within the agricultural sector.

SL President meets billionaire Bill Gates

The meeting highlighted the mutual commitment of both parties towards addressing global challenges related to food production, climate change, and sustainable development.

Bill Gates, known for his philanthropic endeavours, expressed interest in collaborating with Sri Lanka on initiatives that align with his foundation’s goals, promoting agricultural sustainability and addressing issues related to hunger and malnutrition.

The exchange of ideas and collaboration between President Wickremesinghe and Bill Gates underscores the importance of international cooperation in tackling pressing global issues.

The insights shared during this meeting are expected to contribute to Sri Lanka’s continued efforts in promoting sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security for its population.

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