Home » Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Vietnam Holds Productive Talks with Minister of Public Security

Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Vietnam Holds Productive Talks with Minister of Public Security

Dr. A. Saj U. Mendis, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Vietnam, met with Minister of Public Security To Lam at the Ministry of Public Security in Hanoi, engaging in extensive discussions. The Ministry of Public Security is a crucial institution in Vietnam, and Minister To Lam is one of the senior political leaders of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The meeting, lasting over 60 minutes, covered a wide range of topics and was marked by its comprehensive and substantive nature. Ambassador Mendis lauded Vietnam’s remarkable economic progress and development over the past decades, highlighting its status as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. He further emphasized that political economists predict Vietnam to become a trillion-dollar economy by 2030, noting its bilateral trade surpassing the GDP of certain countries. Expressing gratitude on behalf of the Government of Sri Lanka, Ambassador Mendis acknowledged the cooperation and assistance extended to Sri Lankan migrants stranded in Vietnam in November of the previous year. He also thanked Vietnam for its support at the Human Rights Council (HRC), as Vietnam holds membership in the council. Minister To Lam expressed the desire for increased collaboration between the Ministry of Public Security and its Sri Lankan counterparts to strengthen security, law enforcement, and transnational crime prevention, aiming to contribute to stability and peace in the Indo-Pacific region. He highlighted the proactive coordination, consultation, and support demonstrated by both countries at various multilateral forums and international organizations, appreciating the mutual benefits derived from such efforts. Minister To Lam expressed Vietnam’s gratitude for the support and consideration extended by successive Sri Lankan governments over the past decades. During the discussions, Minister To Lam and Ambassador Saj Mendis explored effective strategies to enhance and deepen economic and commercial relations between the two countries, particularly focusing on tourism, trade, investments, and people-to-people exchanges. They agreed to work closely together on various outstanding issues. Minister Counsellor Mahesh Premathilake accompanied Ambassador Mendis during the meeting.
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