Home » Two new pomegranate (delum) varieties introduced in SL

Two new pomegranate (delum) varieties introduced in SL


January 25, Colombo (LNW): Two novel pomegranate (delum) varieties have been introduced in Sri Lanka, termed ‘Malee Pink’ and ‘Lanka Red’, Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said.

These varieties have been specifically tailored for cultivation in the arid regions of the country.

Developed through meticulous tissue culture research conducted by the Plant Virus Indexing Centre in Homagama, these new pomegranate varieties offer a viable alternative to the presently imported red pomegranate varieties.

Distinguished by their unique characteristics, these varieties boast a remarkable lifespan of over 30 years for a pomegranate tree, with an impressive yield of 20–25 kilograms of pomegranates per tree annually.

Notably, a single acre can accommodate up to 400 trees, generating a potential annual income of Rs. 8 million per acre.

Minister Amaraweera facilitated the distribution of these pomegranate varieties to farmers for cultivation on January 24th, underscoring the government’s commitment to promoting sustainable and lucrative agricultural practices in the country.

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