Home » US Dollar Maintains Steady Performance Below Rs. 300 Mark

US Dollar Maintains Steady Performance Below Rs. 300 Mark


March 22, Colombo, LNW:For the fifth consecutive day this week, the US Dollar continues to trade below the Rs. 300 mark at several commercial banks in Sri Lanka, reflecting a sustained trend in the foreign exchange market.

At NDB Bank, the buying rate for the US Dollar has decreased marginally from Rs. 296.85 to Rs. 296.60, while the selling rate has also seen a slight reduction from Rs. 307.85 to Rs. 307.60.

Similarly, Peoples Bank reports a decline in both the buying and selling rates of the US Dollar, with rates dropping from Rs. 298.36 to Rs. 297.87 for buying and from Rs. 308.47 to Rs. 307.96 for selling.

Meanwhile, at Commercial Bank, the buying rate for the US Dollar has decreased from Rs. 297.93 to Rs. 297.51, while the selling rate remains steady at Rs. 307.25.

Similarly, at Sampath Bank, there have been no changes in the buying and selling rates of the US Dollar, which remain constant at Rs. 299 and Rs. 308, respectively.

The consistent performance of the US Dollar below the Rs. 300 threshold indicates stability in the foreign exchange market, providing a favorable environment for businesses and consumers alike.

US Dollar Maintains Steady Performance Below Rs. 300 Mark
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