Home » Withdrawal of Gazette Banning Charges for Single-Use Polythene Bags Announced

Withdrawal of Gazette Banning Charges for Single-Use Polythene Bags Announced


March 30, Colombo (LNW): The Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) has decided to withdraw the Gazette issued in 2008, which prohibited traders from charging consumers for single-use polythene bags provided during purchases. This decision was conveyed to the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka by the Attorney General on Thursday.

The Gazette had faced a legal challenge through a Fundamental Rights (FR) petition filed by the Centre for Environmental Justice. The petition sought directives to minimize the manufacturing, distribution, and use of single-use polythene bags, citing their detrimental environmental impact.

Following an agreement between the petitioners and the authorities, the hearing of the petition concluded yesterday, marking a resolution to the legal dispute.

The withdrawal of the Gazette signals a significant development in the regulation of single-use plastics and underscores ongoing efforts to address environmental concerns associated with their usage.

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