Dhaka determinedly neutral in great power rivalry
Bangladesh’s ‘Outlook‘
The outlook’s announcement holds a great deal of significance for the country’s foreign relations. The Bangladeshi prime minister’s Japan visit was crucial for both nations, as eight memorandums of understanding were signed during the visit. Moreover, Hasina visited the United States and the United Kingdom directly afterward. The 15-point outlook views security as a prerequisite for economic prosperity. In it, Dhaka clarifies that it has no intention of picking sides in the ongoing geopolitical rivalry between China, on the one hand, and the United States and its allies on the other. It should be noted that the term “Indo-Pacific” is, itself, of Western origin, and China has criticized its use as part of a strategy to contain China. However, as Bangladesh has traditionally practiced a balanced foreign policy, it appears unconcerned about the Chinese reaction to such a concept – and China has, thus far, not reacted to Bangladesh’s outlook.Balancing the great power rivalries
A look at the 15-point document suggests that Bangladesh reaffirms its belief in the liberal order. Accommodating the free and open Indo-Pacific and reaffirming its belief in the peaceful settlement of disputes is an example of such claims. Bangladesh’s belief in liberal values and norms facilitates the interests of Western countries, such as the United States and its allies, in maintaining the status quo. On the other hand, Bangladesh’s emphasis on connectivity and free movement of goods and services facilitates the interests of emerging powers such as China and India. Hence, the outlook may allow the country to equalize tensions among great powers, especially amid the current geopolitical rivalry. The outlook also emphasizes sub-regional and other relevant organizations for mutual benefit. For the past few years, Bangladesh has deepened its engagement with ASEAN and attended mini-laterals such as the Colombo Security Conclave. It is also the current chair of the Indian Ocean Rim Organization. Such subregional and minilateral organizations will help the country to ensure security in the region without picking any sides. And, lastly, Bangladesh’s incorporation of multilateralism and sustainable development goals also suggests that the country is likely to rely on global platforms and forums for its security. Emphasis on these organizations will allow Bangladesh to remain neutral while ensuring security at the same time. Moreover, to assure the great powers of its intentions, Bangladesh has incorporated both the “connectivity” philosophy of emerging great powers – such as China and, to an extent, India – to expand their connections with the world through infrastructure, mobility and cooperation in various sectors, but also liberal values such as the free and open Indo-Pacific valued by Western powers.An example for other littoral and small states?
It seems Bangladesh’s outlook may emerge as successful for the foreseeable future. Through the outlook and subsequent tilt towards Japan, perhaps the country aims to balance between Chinese and Western states. Like many other countries, Bangladesh prefers to sit on the fence in current great power rivalries. Hence, the country aims to manage great power interest geo-economically – a much-neglected yet very relevant approach. Two major actions by Bangladesh – joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative and approving a deep-sea port project with Japan – suggest that Dhaka aims to provide equal geo-economic opportunity for both blocs while satisfying its infrastructural demand. But success will largely depend on the country’s diplomatic prudence and policy execution. In the present context, the littorals and small states require peace and security for their nation’s prosperity. Amid such complex interdependence, they rely almost entirely on the great powers and powerhouses for their wide-ranging commercial, economic, and security activities. Therefore, picking a side becomes a zero-sum game and poses a challenge to their interdependence. Bangladesh’s Indo-Pacific Outlook has the potential to ensure both in this context. It promotes a positive-sum game and stays away from any side-picking. Its reliance on multilateralism and neutral policy is also beneficial for cooperation. Hence, it is an exemplary outlook for states such as Sri Lanka or Maldives or any other small and littoral Indo-Pacific states. A small state that cannot afford side-picking should maintain a balance between the great powers, as Bangladesh has done, and mobilize its geo-economic means to equalize the stakes among them. Doreen Chowdhury ([email protected]) is a doctoral researcher at the University of Groningen. This article was first published by Pacific Forum. Asia Times is republishing it with permission.Like this:
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