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Revealing a network of spies and propagandists

As Blitz continues its exposé on the activities of the “Asian Human Rights Commission” (AHRC) operating from Hong Kong’s Kowloon, its investigative team of seasoned journalists is uncovering startling information about a nexus of individuals and organizations involved in a range of criminal activities. These activities include money laundering, drug trafficking, sexual offenses, theft of classified government documents, and a well-coordinated propaganda campaign targeting various countries such as Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka, and India. Operating under the guise of rights and professional groups, this network of spies and propagandists is also engaged in espionage targeting Asian nations. Following the publication of several reports, one of the key figures associated with the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), Nilantha Ilangamuwa, reached out to Blitz claiming that his colleagues within the organization were spreading “fake” information about him. He stated that he had previously exposed their corruption and wrongful activities in the name of human rights. This statement by Ilangamuwa suggests that corruption and illegal activities are indeed present within AHRC. An anonymous source shared information about the corruption and illegal activities within AHRC. According to the source, Nilantha Ilangamuwa had exposed alleged sexual harassment by Bijo Francis, a colleague. Bijo Francis is said to be part of Basil Ferndao’s group, which is purportedly involved in exploiting women. Ilangamuwa’s disclosure of sexual and financial misconduct by Francis and Basil Fernando only came after he was ousted from the organization allegedly at the behest of Francis and Fernando. Nilantha Ilangamuwa reportedly reached a settlement after facing threats from Bijo Francis and Basil Ferndao, who allegedly intended to reveal his involvement in their crimes. Regarding Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman, an individual associated with AHRC who supports the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), an organization deemed a Tier-III terrorist group by US courts, the source stated that he is known as “Mr. Yes” and is rumored to have close ties with Basil Fernando. Ashrafuzzaman is alleged to have conspired against the Sheikh Hasina government with Shariful Islam, an associate professor of the Dhaka University, recruiting academics from various Bangladesh universities and offering them money, foreign trips, and visits to affiliated organizations such as The May 18 Foundation in Korea. Mohammad Ashrafuzzaman allegedly helped Shariful Islam of Dhaka University secure a long-term scholarship at a US university, using his connections with Scholars at Risk The May 18 Foundation’s website lists various Bangladeshi organizations as affiliates, such as Odhikar, Human Rights and Democratic-development Center, Subornogram Foundation, Tdukargon University Network, Association for Community Development, Ani o Salish Kendra, Human Rights Support Society, LEEDO, A voice of most vulnerable street children, Center For Development Program, and Bangladesh Journalists Rights Forum. University of Dhaka also is on the list of May 18 Foundation’s “Network Organizations”. According to our investigation, May 18 Foundation connected organization “LEEDO, A voice of most vulnerable street children” actually is an organization named ‘Street Children Leedo’, which is registered with NGO Affairs Bureau in Bangladesh (Registration number 1466) and also registered with the Ministry of Children & Women Affairs (Registration number 413). It’s office is located at Washpur Garden City, Road No 6, Washpur, Basilla, Dhaka 1312. Another ‘May 18 Foundation’ affiliated organization “Bangladesh Journalists Rights Forum” does not have any physical office. Office of May 18 Foundation is located at 61965 Gwangju Seogu Naebangro 152 May 18 Memorial Culture Center, South Korea. Interestingly, there is no name of any of the members of this organization on its website. The source claimed that the May 18 Foundation is run by South Korean intelligence and primarily engages in campaigns against China, North Korea (DPRK), and anti-US nations in Asia, while also participating in espionage activities. AHRC’s affiliations suggest a pro-Islamist agenda, as it aligns itself with Islamist and jihadist forces globally. In Bangladesh, AHRC supports Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), and Hefazat-e-Islam (HeI). It maintains ties with Uyghur Islamist militants in China, jihadist groups in Sri Lanka, and various militant organizations in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, and Egypt. Accusations have also arisen against AHRC member Nilantha Ilangamuwa, suggesting his connections with Dawood Ibrahim and his D-Company. Ilangamuwa is allegedly involved in transnational drug trafficking through his position at the “Sri Lanka Ports Authority” (SPA). These findings reveal a complex web of criminal activities and propaganda efforts carried out by a network involving AHRC and its affiliated individuals and organizations. The source further said, one of the main duties of May 18 Foundation is to collect sensitive military information from targeted countries through recruited agents, which ultimately land into the hands of US intelligence establishment via South Korean intelligence. Meanwhile an unverified source has claimed that AHRC is receiving fund from the following entities: ACAT, Switzerland; American Friends Services Committee, USA; AMI Foundation, Portugal; Anglican Church of Canada; APHD, Hong Kong; Ashoka, USA; Asia Alliance of YMCAs, Hong Kong; Asia Foundation, USA; AUSAID, Australia; Bread for the World, Germany; Broederlijk Delen, Belgium; CAFOD, UK; CCFD, France; Christian Aid, UK; Christian Aid, United Kingdom; Church of Sweden Mission, Sweden; CMC, Netherlands; Dan Church Aid, Denmark; DANIDA, Denmark; Danish Center for Human Rights, Denmark; Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark; Diakonie, Austria; Diakonie, Germany; Diakonisches Werk, Germany; Dignity, Denmark; EED, Germany; Entraide et Fraternite, Belgium; EZE, Germany; Fondation Lebbe-Havenith, Belgium; Forum Asia, Thailand; Freedom House, USA; Front Line, Ireland; Generalate Sisters of Charity, the Netherlands; German Church, Germany; Global Ministries USA; HIVOS, The Netherlands; ICCO, The Netherlands; International Human Rights Law Group, USA; Katholische Zentralstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe e.V., Germany; Kwangju Citizen’s Solidarity, South Korea; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark; Misereor, Germany; New Int’l Network on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights (ESCRNet), The Center for Economic & Social Rights, USA; Norwegian Institute for Human Rights, Norway; OSI, USA; Priority Fund of Dutch Dominicans, Netherlands; Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Sweden; RCT, Denmark; Redress, United Kingdom; SAM, Belgium; SIDA, Sweden; Society for Love and Understanding, Sri Lanka; Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, Switzerland; The National Endowment for Democracy, USA; The Royal Norwegian Consulate, Hong Kong; The United Church of Canada; Trocaire, Ireland; Unitarians University Service Committee, USA; United Church Board for World Ministries, USA; University of Oslo, Norway; WCC, Switzerland; Word Association for Christian Communication, United Kingdom; and World Council of Churches, Switzerland. The same unverified source mentions names of Avinash Pandey Samar, an Indian national and Danilo Reyes and Baseer Naveed, both Pakistani nationals are cohorts of Bijo Francis of AHRC. Although the source raises allegations of “sexual abuse” against these individuals, we did not get any evidence about the allegations. We have contacted AHRC seeking response from Basil Fernando on multiple allegations raised against AHRC and Fernando. But we did not get any response.
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